Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia on Sunday, January 31, 2021, published a story with the above headline “Bawumia’s 2024 candidature NPP’s only chance to break 8 cycle- GIJ Lecturer explains with details”.
The story which was culled from a Facebook post made by Dr. Etse Sikanku who is a Communications Expert and a Lecturer had some factual inaccuracies.
Also, the headline for the story was misleading.
We are by this apologizing to Dr. Etse Sikanku whose position was misrepresented and unduly exaggerated.
Meanwhile here is the post made by the Communications Expert:
From an analytical point of view…
He is the sword of damocles that will shred, slice and burn hydra-headed oppositions with a single strike. He will make the North competitive. He now has clout and appeal. He has rich and hard worn experience as VP. You can’t just ignore that. He is likeable. He is genial and he has bent over backwards to appease the Christian community or warm his way into their hearts. At least he has tried to do so.
He is widely popular. And there’s one thing he needs to be immensely proud of about himself. He has become one of the sharpest political communicators comparable to the best in his era. Such a transformation is quite commendable.
Add his economic portfolio to it and he immediately becomes such a potent force of political combat. In politics people often have to choose between certain strengths and weaknesses but Bawumia seems to be such a rare combination of the key ingredients needed in a political candidate. Of course his political communication needs a bit of fine tuning. Of course, there will always be the nagging religious factor. And then there will be baggage from his two terms.
He may also have huge challenges with cross-over appeal especially with some who maintain that any myth or any last remaining amount of good will or political capital from his Bawunomics or Bawumia lecture series days has been completely dissipated. And he does have to fight off many tags that have taken root.
These can and should be addressed masterfully by his team. Take those factors away and we may have an unstoppable tsunami before us. At the very least, he will give the NDC a good run. There will also be the incumbency fatigue playing out and if the NDC puts out a glittering and hard to gloss over candidate then the NPP would be going in as the under-dogs. However, with Bawumia there will be a realistic chance and it would be nothing but game on!