
RE: NDC New York Branch Responds To Ridiculous Suspension

Fri, 20 Nov 2015 Source: NDC New York Branch

RE: NDC New York Branch Responds To Ridiculous Suspension Of Its Leading Members By Ashiboi

It was with dismay when members of the NDC NY Branch on November 4, 2015 read on the internet about the suspension of founding members of NDC NY Branch, namely; Dr. George Lamptey, Madam Tonnie Gbologah, Mr. Albert Mensah (all of whom are founding members of NDC New York Branch), and Mr. Isaac Nortey (current Chairman of NDC NY Branch) by Nii Ashiboi Armah, Chairman of NDC Massachusetts, who controversially doubles as a so-called Chairman of NDC USA Chapter.

Initially, these respected members of the Branch received unprofessional letters on plain sheets of paper, postal-delivered, appeared more like a hoax, and were advised by the Branch leadership to disregard them; until they found news items carrying same message on various media platforms on the internet.

Together with Dr George Lamptey, Mr. Albert Mensah and many great comrades, the NDC NY Branch was founded during the early 90s. Through hard work and great leadership qualities of Dr Lamptey (then chairman of the Branch), NY increased its membership to over 300 members. Dr. Lamptey is well known for his ability to always roll up his sleeves and work for NDC. As a result of his leadership skills, he was once elected as the Chairman of "North American Coordinating Council of NDCs" (an umbrella chapter of all branches in the USA and Canada). So the question that is on the mind of many is how can Nii Ashiboi Armah, who hasn’t done anything to improve the image of NDC in the US suspend such great men of the Party?

It is an established fact that the NDC is a Party that gives opportunity to everyone who decide to become a member of the umbrella family. So with that tradition, when Abbas Adamu, a former member of NPP became affiliated with NDC, the New York Branch opened its door to him and in the course of time became chairman of the Branch. Abbas’ poor leadership quality led to almost a collapse of the Branch. His lack of empathy, poor judgement and lack of humility, discouraged many of the members to stay away from the affairs of the Branch. At some point, it was observed that the Branch had become dormant. Meetings had not been called for more than a year; dues were not paid and no activities had been organized.

As a result, the rank and file of the Branch, including Dr Lamptey became concerned and decided that there was a need to reorganize the Branch, and revive it from the dormancy to become more responsive to the needs of the members. Accordingly, members decided to hold elections to elect new executives since the term of office of the then executives led by Abbas had long elapsed.

On the day of the elections, serious illegality was perpetrated as Abbas Adamu invaded the elections grounds with several people who were not Branch members. Many of these people had neither attended a single NDC-NY meeting nor paid any registration or monthly dues. After a long protracted argument, and often very contentious discussions and disagreements, majority of the members decided to boycott the elections. Nii Armah Ashiboi, who was present during the election day sided with the illegality. Majority of the members who boycotted the elections made a conscious decision to move on with NDC New York Branch and elected Mr. Isaac Nortey as the new chairman.

Of course, New York is a big state and for that matter, nobody can stop a majority group from exercising their love and duty for the great NDC Party that we all love. It is ridiculous and shameful for Ashiboi, whose hands are equally tainted with the fraudulent elections exercise to suspend these great leaders and founders who have worked hard with their sweat to raise the image of NDC in New York.

We are therefore stating categorically that the so-called NDC USA Chapter of Ashiboi has no authority to suspend these honorable members of the NY Branch. The Branch that these honorable members belong is not under the jurisdiction of Ashiboi's NDC-USA Chapter. Our NDC NY Branch has moved to join a coalition of principled and progressive NDC USA Branches in other nine (9) states. The Coalition of Branches include, Chicago, Ohio, Atlanta, Florida, Virginia, Denver, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey Branches.

Ashiboi's NDC-USA Chapter has become a growth disorder disease which has hindered the growth of NDC, not only in New York but the whole of USA. Ashiboi and his group have failed to grow the Party in the USA because of their self-aggrandizement, arrogance and indifference towards the rank and file. Ashiboi and his so-called Chapter executives can only boast of four 4 Branches out of a country with 50 states. Their main Branches include Massachusetts, Washington DC, Texas, and another non-existing Virginia Branch.

They have arrogated to themselves an absolute power that makes them think they have monopoly to decide where NDC Branch should be formed, when and by whom. In executing their duties, some of them are very arrogant and exhibit “take it or leave it” attitude.

It has been made clearly known to both Ashiboi, Abbas Adamu and their company that the New York Branch headed by Mr. Isaac Nortey bears no grudge against anyone. Let it be known that the New York Branch has gained momentum and members are working hard to bring back the Branch to life. It is therefore not possible to suspend anybody who is not under the jurisdiction of Ashiboi.

Finally, this Branch wants Ashiboi and co to treat this advice as a matter of utmost importance. Instead wasting time to suspend founders, the so-called NDC USA can go out there, organize, and campaign for NDC our beloved Party as we are doing on our end. This Branch is moving on so they need to move on and stop the juvenile indiscretions.

Long live NDC!

Long live Ghana!

NDC New York Branch

Communication Team

Source: NDC New York Branch