
ROPAB is NOT controversial -Agyapong

Mon, 13 Feb 2006 Source: jFm

The Presidential Press Secretary, Kwabena Agyapong has restated government?s position on the Bill saying the president believes in extending voting rights to Ghanaians who live outside the country.

Addressing the castle Press Corp, Mr Agyapong disagreed with the view that the bill is a controversial one saying it is entirely up to Parliament which has the responsibility to pass it or not.

? Where is the controversy, it?s a disagreement. People will disagree. It is important that when people have diverse opinions that we resort to dialogue. If you don?t want to sit with people how do you dialogue?

I think that most of your concerns should be addressed to the minority side to resume their seat in Parliament and dialogue with the Majority side.

Those who are trying to cause apprehension in society; we don?t need that in our country. Those who are trying to suggest that somehow the passage of this law would bring upon us ill storm, chaos and mayhem, we have to begin to question their commitment to Ghana,? he said.

The Presidential spokesman also said government has no problem with the opposition plan to demonstrate on Tuesday, since it is their constitutional right to do so.

Source: jFm
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