
RPD accuses NPP of manipulating the voter registration exercise

Wed, 6 Aug 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 6, GNA - The Reformed Patriotic Democrats (RPD) on Wednesday accused the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) of interfering with the on-going voter registration exercise and urged civil society to call the party to order.

In a statement to the Ghana News Agency signed by Mr. Francis Kyei RPD General Secretary the party said in a desperate move to retain power, NPP according to RPD has influence minors in Ashanti, Eastern and some part of

the Brong Ahafo regions to register.

"Our research desk have confirmed that the minors aging between fifteen (15) and seventeen (17) years have been given money of various sums and an assurance that they are in Government and as such nobody can prosecute them if they register," the RPD statement stated.

Interestingly, most of the supporters of Reformed Patriotic Democrats (RPD) who are the youth are themselves bearing witnesses to the status of those who are influenced by NPP and have petitioned registration officers.

The RPD statement noted that in an attempt to question their eligibility, the officers give them the option to challenge while they do not have the documents with which any person can challenge. The RPD alleged that as a result of the mismanagement of the scarce resources of Ghana during the two terms of office, "they are desperate to retain power in Election 2008.

"The most unfortunate aspect of their behaviour is when they do anything wrong, they justify it with the wrongs of the past administration." The RPD also blame the Electoral Commission (EC) for the registration difficulties due to reduction in the number of registration centres, insufficient logistics and capable personnel to handle the high numbers of persons who are eligible and wish to register in the exercise.

The statement said the problem is hindering attempts to raise objections to the eligibility of the minors. The party advised "minors not to attempt or dare to coming close to registration centre otherwise, if they manage to register, we shall prepare a dossier on them between now and December 7th and resist their attempt to vote. "Let us all eschew misconduct, malpractices, violation of law, and juvenile involvement in politicking and consequent violence during this coming election."

Source: GNA