Rashid Pelpuo, MP for Wa Central
An academician Dr. Sheriff Mahmoud Khalid who is contesting incumbent Rashid Pelpuo for the Wa Central seat in the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) 2020 parliamentary primaries has hit hard at his rival for doing very little in the constituency.
The NDC MP aspirant has accused the incumbent of doing very little to develop Wa Central which is in the heart of the Upper West Region compared to the level of development in other neighbouring constituencies in the region.
Speaking in an interview with Accra based Citi FM monitored by ghanaguardian.com, the NDC MP aspirant believes his rival has not done enough for his constituency.
“I have looked at Getfund statistics in the last couple of years the kind of project allocations that have gone on we have higher in Wa West Nadowli Kaleo than even in the Wa Central.”
An MP should have an office in the constituency because that is your base to work as we speak now there is no office in the constituency so that is reflective in the fact that there is a lot to be done” he added.
In reaction, incumbent Rashid Pelpuo has vehemently defended his record querying what actually he has not done as an MP for the area. According to him, he has done the best to his abilities.
“I don’t know what else anybody has done that I have not done. In fact, I have done much more to my thinking than any other deed within my reach.”
“I have spent my common fund building classroom block, I have spent my common fund building tourist attraction. I have spent my common fund digging borehole for my people.I have spent my common fund sending people to school” he concluded.