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Rawlings In $50,000 Fraud Case

Thu, 10 Apr 2003 Source: The Vanguard

Just at the time that Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings was addressing some selected journalists at his Ridge Residence last Monday, Vanguards international Liaison office was busily confirming a report in Libreville Gabon concerning an alleged swindling case involving the Ex-President.

And at exactly 6pm (GMT), sources close to Gabonese President, President Omar Bongo, told ?The Vanguard? in a long-distance telephone conversation that ?Ex-President Jerry Rawlings reportedly went begging for alms from the Gabonese leader during his recent visit to that country saying he is in dire financial stress and unless aid is urgently extended to him, life for him and his family will be unbearable.

The Ex-President reportedly flew to Libreville from Congo Brazzaville where ?The Vanguard? had earlier reported that he was seeking for arms to overthrow the Kufour administration. The offices of the former President and the NDC have denied the report, stressing that the former President was in Congo to solicit for the support of the Congolese leader to solve the Ivorian crisis.

Meanwhile, President Kufour has brought peace to the West African country without firing a catapult. According to the aides of the Gabonese leader, members of the Gabonese executive, including some Minister?s of State, could not believe their ears when Ex-President Rawlings reportedly said that he is so broke, that he cannot pay his children?s school fees. Vanguard learnt that Ex-President Rawlings reportedly told his audience that he is so broke that one of his daughters has to prostitute in London to pay for her school fees.

The Ex-President reportedly complained bitterly about the treatment being meted to him by the Kufour administration. He reportedly told the Gabonese leader that the Kufour government has taken his official car from him and has thrown him out of his official residence. Vanguards investigations further revealed that, the Ex-President told the Gabonese leader that life has become unbearable for him since he left the army and government after his selfless service to his country.

Moved with deep seated passion for a former Head-Of-State and colleague President Omar Bongo was alleged to have doled out $50,000 dollars to Ex-President Jerry Rawlings who is said to have failed to mention such a donation to his aides.

Recently party chairman, Dr Obed Yaw Asamoah openly declared that the NDC is in financial crisis and unless an urgent solution is found to solve what the party stands to disintegrate. Dr Obed Asamoah?s distress call came at a time his party?s founder is alleged to be sitting on a whooping $50,000 he had allegedly collected from an African leader.

The Vanguard learnt that after collecting the alleged booty from the Gabonese leader, Ex-President Jerry John Ralwings reportedly flew back to London where he engaged in a shopping spree, which is contrary to the picture, he painted to the Gabonese leader.

Source: The Vanguard