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Rawlings must know the NDC has outgrown him - Lawyer


Wed, 17 Oct 2012 Source: GNA

A member of the ruling National Democratic Congress’ legal team, Abraham Amaliba, says former President Rawlings finds himself in a political dilemma because of his refusal to accept that the party has grown beyond him.

Mr. Rawlings has endorsed the candidature of both President Mahama and his wife who is fighting for the presidency on the ticket of the breakaway National Democratic Party (NDP).

Abraham Amaliba says Mr. Rawlings could ease himself out of the dilemma once he starts carrying himself as a statesman rather than a partisan personality.

He said the former President is in a Dilemma because “clearly he has problems with some people within the NDC and he also has this situation that he has found himself where his wife has broken ranks and has formed a party.”

Mr. Amaliba said the founder must know that the NDC has outgrown his personality and that the party is no longer one that “when he coughs, everybody catches cold.”

He said the party is growing bigger than an individual and that he needs to come to the realization that his views in the party will be contested by people who hold divergent views.

“I am beginning to see some changes in him” Mr. Amaliba said stressing that gradually, Mr. Rawlings is beginning to respect and appreciate the views of others.

Source: GNA