
Re: NDC Reckless Pessimism At Play

Emblem Ndc

Tue, 30 Oct 2012 Source: Husseini Y Baba AlWaiz

…Why? The NPP forgot its 26 trillion debt in one year?...

It is rather irresponsible and gutter journalism, which the NPP US Public

Relations Committee is practicing when they tried to throw the dust in the

eyes of the Ghanaian electorates in their desperate bid for power. They

cannot deceive people in the name of democracy, giving them false and utopian

promises that are highly incredible and inconceivable.

Apart from the masterpiece attacking their so-called SHS free education,

that was written by our (NDC US) General Secretary, who coincidentally,

happens to be a professional in the educational sector, and knows the

intricacies and potential harm of NPP’s haphazard free SHS policy, there have been

several (non partisan) experts including a group of academic think-thanks,

who analyze government policies through the lens of objectivity who had

dismissed the policy as unfeasible, not well thought through and unserious.

Indeed over the weekend, a highly respected pastor, Rev. Dr. Mensah Otabil,

who heads a tertiary educational institution came out boldly to debunk the

possibility of any government providing free quality SHS education.

And what is interesting and exciting to us, the NDC NY is that, the public

feedback with regards to this false and deceitful propaganda or the NPP

has been negative. Because they realized that, Nana Akuffo Addo is merely

building castles in the air and trying to bring down the heavens to earth. You

would be able to determine the negative opinions of the electorates toward

this “tasty” (to use your words) promises, when you observe various

comments over the social media and on the articles NPP communicators write and

the subsequent rebuttals. By going over the various comments, you will

realize how the Ghanaian electorate detests this false promise of theirs.

We realize at this juncture that other discerning members of the Ghanaian

public, who are not members of the NDC, are coming out boldly and letting

people know how ridiculous this fiasco of free SHS policy of the NPP is.

Because of the negative public reaction toward it, we will leave it to these

good Samaritans and advocates of truth to carry on. What they are trying to

do finds expression in the wisdom of S.L. Vella who wrote in his book,

Silent Voices of the Soul, that, “Integrity is telling myself the truth.

Honesty is telling the truth to other people.”

Just imagine a party (NPP), whose government had caused Ghana whopping

arrears of 26 trillion cedis, calling the NDC government corrupt. According

the Deputy Minister of Finance, Hon. Fifi Kwetey, the NDC government upon

coming into office had to literally hold onto vital socio-economic investments

in order to service or pay off these arrears, which the NPP government

incurred. This is a clear case scenario of a pot calling a kettle black.

However, since the NPP has decided to continue with their character

assassination and unfounded allegations, leveled against His Excellency President

Mahama, we of the NDC New York would from now until the elections, begin

to expose the NPP’s gigantic and gargantuan cases of corruption and

embezzlement, which is undeniable and unprecedented in our political history.

The NPP should rather be commending not condemning our current President,

His Excellency, John Dramani Mahama, supported the late President’s

decision to focus on developing Ghana notwithstanding the harm they had done after

eight years in government. Despite it being plain that they had “milked”

the state coffers severely , Mills Mahama team saw wisdom in leaving

prosecuting NPP to the law enforcement agencies instead of making their

prosecution the main work of their administration . The NPP should ponder over this

proverb from Milan Kudera who was quoted as saying in 1929 that, “ The

struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.” as

they read the rest of this article, which is replete with facts and

figures about the huge economic mess they caused this nation.

We will therefore conclude with some excerpts, revealing cases of

corruption from the White Paper on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry on the

Ghana @ 50 Celebration, of course this all happened under the tenure of NPP

Kufuor administration:


The Government accepts the following observations, deductions and findings

of the Commission:

6.1 A total amount of thirty-one million eight hundred thousand United

States Dollars (US$31.80 millions), equivalent at the time, to ¢293.10billion

or GH¢29.31 million was approved by Parliament for the celebrations. The

first tranche of twenty million United States Dollars (US$20 million)

equivalent of ¢182.90 billion or GH¢18.29 millions was approved on 20th July,

2006. The second tranche of eleven million eight hundred thousand United States

Dollars (US$11.8 millions) equivalent of ¢110.2 billions or GH¢11.02

million, which was a loan from Fidelity Bank, was approved by Parliament on the

30th day of July, 2007.

6.2 By 31st December, 2008, a total sum of ninety-seven million seven

hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and eighty-eight Ghana Cedis and

forty-four Ghana Pesewas (GH¢97,776,388.44) had been spent on the

celebrations. This exceeded the sum of twenty-nine million three hundred and ten

thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢29,310,000.00) approved by Parliament. This was in

violation of Article 178 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana

and the Financial Administration Act, 2003 (Act 654).

6.3 The available records show that the Secretariat alone spent

seventy-five million five hundred and sixty-nine thousand five hundred and

sixty-three Ghana Cedis and thirty-four Ghana Pesewas (GH¢75,569,563.34) on the

celebrations as against the CEO¹s reported sixty-six million seven hundred and

ninety-nine thousand two hundred and fifty-six Ghana Cedis and eighteen

Ghana Pesewas (GH¢66,799,256.18). The NPC and the Secretariat in utilizing a

total sum of GH¢75,569,563.34 clearly exceeded the budget approved by

Parliament to the tune of forty-six million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand

five hundred and sixty-three Ghana Cedis (GH¢46,999,563.00).

The CEO indicated that the expenses of the NPC and the Secretariat was

GH¢66,799,266.18. The Commission found that even if it accepted the CEO¹s

self-declared expenditure, the NPC and the Secretariat would still have

over-expended by thirty-eight million two hundred and twenty-nine thousand two

hundred and fifty-six Ghana Cedis (GH¢38,229,256.00).

6.4 The NPC and the Secretariat utilized all the internally generated

funds representing the sale of cars, land, furnishing, mansions, sponsorship,

totaling nineteen million three hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred

and ninety-eighty Ghana Cedis (GH¢19,352,498.00). The Chairman of the NPC

claimed to have obtained written authorization from the then Minister of

Finance to use the internally generated funds. The Commission, however, did

not sight any written authorization to that effect. The Minister of Finance

did not have the mandate to give the authorization since it would have been

contrary to Articles 176 and 178 of the 1992 Constitution. The law is that

authorization for the use of internally generated funds can only be granted

by an Act of Parliament. Utilizing the internally generated funds without

authorization from Parliament constitutes a violation of Articles 176 and

178 of the 1992 Constitution.

6.5 The internally generated funds were to have been used to repay the

Fidelity Loan. However, this was not done. The Government is still in the

process of re-paying the Fidelity Loan. An amount of four million eight hundred

thousand five hundred and forty-three Ghana Cedis and thirty-eight Ghana

Pesewas (GH¢4,800,543.38) has been paid while the amount outstanding stands

at fifteen million three hundred and seventy-four thousand and seventy-five

Ghana Cedis and fifty-eight Ghana Pesewas (GH¢15,374,075.58). This

comprises principal and interest. Government has to secure funds from other sources

to pay this debt. Late payments will cause the outstanding sum to

escalate, due to penal interest.

6.6 The NPC and the Secretariat failed to account for the use of the

non-cash sponsorship. The available records show that the value of non-cash

sponsorship totalled one million five hundred and twenty-one thousand two

hundred and fifty Ghana Cedis (GH¢1,521,250.00 or ¢15,212,500,000.00).

6.7 Budgetary estimates were not laid before Parliament for the approval

of the first grant of eighteen million two hundred and ninety thousand Ghana

Cedis (GH¢ 18,290,000.00 or ¢182.9 billions) given in July 2006. This

constitutes a violation of Article 179 (1) and (2) of the 1992 Constitution.

Evidence gleaned from the Parliamentary Debate, Official Report of 20th July

2006 shows that even though some of the Members of Parliament protested at

the manner in which the request for the approval of the funds was made,

Parliament approved this sum for the celebrations without seeing the budget

estimates or the expenditure items to be covered by this first tranche.

6.8 A bridging finance facility of ten million four hundred and

thirty-eight thousand and thirty-six Ghana Cedis and thirty-seven Ghana Pesewas

(GH¢10,438,036.37 or ¢104.38 billion) and an overdraft facility of ten million

Ghana Cedis (GH¢10 million or ¢100 billion) were procured from Prudential

Bank by the Secretariat and the NPC. These constituted loans for which

Parliamentary approval was required under Article 181 of the 1992 Constitution.

However, Parliamentary approval was not sought for these loans in

contravention of Article 181 of the 1992 Constitution.

6.9 The unauthorized loans from Prudential Bank cost the Government the

sum of three million eighty-two thousand nine hundred and fifty-five Ghana

Cedis and twenty Ghana Pesewas (GH¢3,082,955.20), which was paid as interest

to Prudential Bank, thus increasing Government¹s expenditure.

6.10 The CEO of the Secretariat and the Chairman of the NPC claimed they

had to obtain the overdraft facility from Prudential Bank because there were

late releases of funds from Government. The Commission found, however,

that whatever delay occurred in the releases of funds from Government was a

result of the failure of the Secretariat and the NPC to apply promptly for

the release of the first tranche of GH¢l8.29 million (¢182.9 billion).

There are more to this report, dates April 10th, 2010. And we are

committed to revealing these shocking instances of corruption ans mismanagement of

state resources under the NPP administration, blow by blow.

We will therefore urge Ghanaian electorates to think twice, before voting

for the NPP, because voting them back into power, means bringing back the

most corrupt government in the system, who have nothing positive to offer to

the country.

Fellow Ghanaian electorates, this is part one of this investigative

reports, more revealing facts are coming log on Ghanaweb, Peacefm, Myjoyonline

and Modern Ghana, periodically to read more of these facts.

Do not make a mistake of voting for the NPP come December, 7th2012, you

will regret for it, they do not have the interest of Ghana at heart. Vote NDC

for better Ghana.

Husseini Y Baba AlWaiz, Press Secretary, NDC New York

Source: Husseini Y Baba AlWaiz