
Reconciliation always follows election; Says NPP Chairman

Thu, 22 May 2014 Source: a. barning

The newly elected Chairman of the Toronto NPP Chapter has told members of his determination to ensure reconciliation among members.

Speaking at the first meeting on Sunday, May 18, 2014, Mr. Christian Akyempon said he has already initiated a move by calling members on telephone to join hands and bring about unity. When it is achieved in Toronto, it will help bring peace in NPP generally.

Mr. Akyempon mentioned some names and emphasised that his move was encouraging.

The chairman said he and his team of executive members have drawn up a program to host barbeque picnic this summer to rally around all members and sympathizers, adding that the executive will not wait till 2016 before it starts fund raising activities.

Mr. Akyempon said the executive is planning the first fund raising activity this autumn of 2014, details of which would be announced very soon.

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Source: a. barning