
Reinstate GTV employees -NMC

Wed, 8 Sep 2004 Source: DAILY GUIDE

The National Media Commission (NMC) has directed that the five interdicted employees of GTV should be unconditionally reinstated to their former positions, whilst the Commission takes appropriate steps to address the underlining causes of the impasse.

The five include the Director of Television, Charles Bucknor, two senior editors, Emmanuel Vorgbe and Francis Sasu and two business news reporters Nana Yaw Duodu and Solomon Ayiah.

They were interdicted for broadcasting a story about negotiations with a prospective partner of the ailing national carrier Ghana Airways that turned out to be false.

A statement from the NMC asked that the management of GBC execute its (NMC) directive whilst it takes steps to address the underlining causes of the impasse.

The commission also appealed to all workers of GBC and management to exercise the greatest restraint in the matter.

Meanwhile, the Media Commission has reminded journalists of their responsibility to commit themselves to the practice of the highest standards of journalism.

The interdiction of the five has generated ripples among the public and some media practitioners.

The general perception has been that the management of GBC acted with high handedness especially when the journalists retracted the false story and apologised.

But the management say their action, taken in consultation with the board of directors of the corporation, is part of measures aimed at correcting recurrent lapses in newsgathering at the GBC.

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