The Rent Control Department is under the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing
After many years of its establishment, Rent Control Department under the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing has failed to renovate its head office in Accra.
The building which has all its paint creeped off, is the office supervising issues of landlords and tenancy systems in the country.
In the year 2012, the department was able to settle about 7,884 cases of landowners and tenancy issues out of 4,184 complaints lodged.
However, despite its success chunked, it is unfortunate and an eye saw for an institution that, deals with housing issues becomes a problem themselves.
The building located in the hub of the city of Accra, has got its surroundings and walls dirty and untidy for complainant to lodge their complaints.
There had not been no paint on the entire building after many years with gate rusted and chairs broken thus attracting dust and cobwebs.
When got to the premises, the offices had already been closed leaving the main entrance open to invaders and traders to use the premises as their parking space.
Meanwhile despite the menace the department is still busy receiving complaints from tenant and landlords with issues.
It’s unfortunate as authorities in charge of the upkeep of the great institution financed by the government of Ghana, is still watching and making the beautiful outfit waste away with dirt.