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Resistance to instruction is a symptom of madness – Dag Heward-Mills to Christians

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills speaking at the Good Friday Miracle Service

Tue, 18 Apr 2023 Source:

The Presiding Bishop of the United Denomination Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC), Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, has admonished Christians to adhere to instructions as have been stipulated in the Bible.

He explained that there is a need for Christians to be obedient and humble in their fellowship while also entreating them to emulate the attributes of Jesus’ “obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills was speaking during the 2023 Good Friday Miracle Service held at the Independence Square in Accra on April 7 when he made this admonition.

“The cross is a symbol of obedience and humility. And resistance to instruction is a symptom of madness,” he said.

The globally-acclaimed healing evangelist also explained that pride among Christians had prevented many of them from going all out in their service of Jesus.

He added that this has also limited a lot of Christians in their quests to fully pay the price for Jesus Christ’s service to the human race.

He further said that to be Christian, there is a price to pay. Which includes facing persecution and sacrificing for the kingdom of God.

“There is a price. People are not prepared to pay the price. There’s a price to be the ministry. There’s a price to pay to be a Christian.

“The same price that is given to you is the same price that is given to me. There is a price for everything. And the cross is the price for your whole life…He wants your whole life. He doesn’t want just part of you,” he said.

The 2023 Good Friday Miracle Service was attended by several thousand members of the UD-OLGC, with many leaving the Independence Square grounds with healings of different kinds.

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