
Return our vehicle within three weeks - PWDs

Ibrahim Saani   PWDs Chairman Ibrahim Saani, the Chairman of GFDs, Upper West Region

Sat, 22 Feb 2020 Source: GNA

Ibrahim Saani, the Chairman of the Ghana Federation of Disabilities (GFDs) in the Upper West Region has given a three-week ultimatum to the interdicted Upper West Regional Director of Education to return a vehicle belonging to the Wa School for the Deaf.

He gave the ultimatum during a news conference regarding the school truck which was borrowed by the Upper West Regional Director of Education Mr Duncan Nsoh to carry some goods to Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region in December 2019.

According to him, the truck was the only strong vehicle available for the school for the transportation of foodstuff, firewood and other important services and expressed worry that the director allegedly took the truck away.

He said the disability front was therefore surprised when the Headmaster of the school informed them that the vehicle was auctioned to an unknown buyer without making provision for a new truck for the school.

Mr Saani said that the GFDs owed it a duty to help ensure that all Special Needs Schools in the country including; the Wa School for the Deaf was given the necessary attention to improve learning hence the need for the News conference.

He also pleaded with the Ghana Education Service to intervene for the wooden truck that was taken by Mr Nsoh to be returned for the smooth running of the school.

“Our dear Regional Director, all persons with disability in the region wish to bring to your attention that we are disappointed at the way you handled the wooden truck issue and we therefore want to see the vehicle back on campus within three weeks if not we are going to take some actions you won’t be happy with”.

We want to let the general public know that we have a document in our custody concerning the vehicles that were earmarked for auctioning and we can say on authority that the Wa School for the Deaf wooden truck with registration number GV-4636-C was not part.

Source: GNA