
Rid church of corruption ?Chief executive advises

Mon, 26 Apr 1999 Source: --

Bekwai (Ashanti), 26th April ?99 ?

Madam Grace Awuah, Amansie East District Chief Executive (DCE), has called on churches to make conscious efforts to rid the church of corruption and other anti-social vices that threaten the very fabric of the society.

She told the second annual synod of the Methodist church at the Wesley Chapel, Bekwai on Saturday that the church has a "great responsibility" to bring about total transformation in the lives of its members.

The theme for the five-day synod, which is being attended by over 100 delegates from the 213 societies and 11 circuits in the district, is "Supporting the Vision of the Church".

The DCE stressed the need for Christians to rise above parochial interests in order for the church to be effective at addressing matters that affect the welfare of its members.

Madam Awuah urged members to honour their tax obligations and support the government in its developmental programmes.

The Reverend Samuel Agyei-Mensah, chairman and General Superintendent of the Obuasi district, said there is the need for Christians to re-examine themselves in the light of the "Great Commission".

"To intensify our efforts at evangelism and church planting, circuits are expected to plant at least three churches within the year and increase church membership by at least 30 per cent", he said.

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