
Rot at ECG: The big names behind the staggering debt

ECG Revenue Office1

Tue, 24 Jan 2012 Source: New Crusading Guide

Ongoing investigation into the activities of the State owned Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has brought to the fore a long list of companies and individuals owing.

Companies were indebted to the ECG so much that one wondered why the artisans – corn miller, tailor and hairdresser – who owe some GH¢ 20 or less have to suffer power disconnection.

Since The Promo of the investigation started airing on the Countries major media networks, debtors are currently rushing to the ECG to settle their bills The figures we bumped into upon entry into the countrywide ECG system pointed to the fact that, the ECG would without any doubt, be a profitable state institution if the company was proactive in her debt collection measures. If ECG vigorously pursued some of their grave Special Load Tariff (SLT) defaulters, they would most likely be moderate in the amount of adjustments that they seek from the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) during their quarterly reviews. The could redefine their debt collection methods.

SLT customers are entities whose power load exceeds a certain threshold for which reason ECG gives them special meters known as Current Transformer (CT) meters. Aside SLTs, there is also the case of private homes and small businesses who have piled up their electricity debts and are in no hurry to settle these debts. Monies owed the ECG by SLTs and individuals from our investigations, if collected would make the outfit financially independent and sustainable to a large extent.

We bring you figures of debtors as at NOVEMBER 2011, all those disputing the figures can check with the ECG, some may have settled all or some of their debts by now, yet; others may be piling more, that certainly would be unacceptable in every respect. We have figures from all ECG operational regions but our defaulters spotlight shall be on five key ECG areas, ACCRA EAST, ACCRA WEST, TEMA, WESTERN AND ASHANTI WEST REGIONS. At the end of our strenuous analysis of the horrible figures, we realized that over thousand private companies and state enterprises owed the ECG in excess of some GH¢ 460 million, monies running into trillions of old cedis going down the drain as a result of the non collection by the company.

SO WHO AND WHO OWE THE ECG? From what we gathered on the field, TIGER EYE brings to the fore the list of companies and state institutions that have used power but failed to pay for the resource. For purposes of easy grasp of what clearly is an interesting list of ECG debtors, we categorize them under the following:

The high ranking hospitality outfits Top shots within corporate Ghana High-flying members of financial institutions The eminent telecommunication companies The grocery establishments and of course The State Enterprises and then The indebted academic institutions

We would also bring you the list of patriotic entities; here are a group of companies who have made it their duty unlike the defaulters to settle their bills and by so doing aid the efforts of the ECG in improving their service output.

WHO AND WHO OWES THE ECG? The HOSPITALITY DEFAULTERS Members of the hospitality industry owed the ECG in all five regions under the purview of our analysis; here they owed the ailing ECG varying amounts that added up to in excess of some GH¢ 1,768,210. 56. From the plush executive suites of that multinational hotel down to the not too expensive local hotel, lodge, inn etc. , a critical utility as electricity was being used without it being paid for. To start us off is the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel. With their ‘Uniquely Golden and Traditionally Ghanaian’ label, they owed power debts of some GH¢ 238,621. 89, Golden Tulip Hotels with all their ‘worldwide hospitality’ tag, had paid up in Accra East, yet owed power bills of (GH¢ 155,078. 85) at their Kumasi City branch in the Ashanti West Region. Still in the region and with the guarantee of ‘a real welcome away from home,’ Miklin Hotel, certainly did not welcome power debts of GH¢ 29,497. 14p.

Shangri La Hotel with its ‘African Experience’ still had power bills of (GH¢ 33,855. 09) yet to be settled. If Kingsby Hotel treated ECG debts (GH¢ 11,667. 16) with the traditional royal touch they promise their patrons, the ailment of the utility provider should be assuaged to a large extent.

‘We are traditionally friendly,’ they say; but Hotel Wangara’s (GH¢ 24,917. 34p) indebtedness was miles from a friendly play with the ECG. Same was the case with Raybow Hotel who owed GH¢ 33,855. 09p, with all their ‘Elegant Luxury,’ tag in the Western Region. Tema’s Premier Hotel; Hotel Majorie ‘Y’ were indebted to the fine tune of (GH¢ 29,024. 57). Coco Beach Hotel joined the list with GH¢ 26,321. 95p as did fellow Tema based outfit, N-Joy Hotel despite promising the best of all worlds were saddled by a debt of GH¢ 26,024. 57p. Still in Tema, Royal Ravico Hotel, failed to put a touch of royalty to their debts by showcasing their unwillingness to pay their mounting power debts that had reached GH¢ 85,091. 62p as at November 2011. ‘Welcome to the premier life’ is tagline for Best Western Premier Hotel but they do not seem to have welcomed ECG debts in excess of (GH¢ 77,842. 24). The very expensive Movenpick Ambassador Hotel with their ‘passionately Swiss’ tagline perhaps forgot to be patriotically Ghanaian with their huge power debt of (GH¢ 577,631. 07). With a GH¢ 212,523. 47 debt, ‘Accra’s Business and Leisure Address,’ Alisa Hotel was in the porridge as was Sanaa Lodge Hotel stationed in ECG’s Accra West region. Other debtors included: GS Hotel (GH¢ 38,083. 70p), Ascension Hotel, East Legon (GH¢54,361. 82p), Calwell Hotel (GH¢ 77,842. 16), Chase Restaurant owed (GH¢ 27,093. 29), and VVIP, which was indebted to the tune of (GH¢ 39,184. 10p) Frankies Ltd. (GH¢ 53,347. 33) and their sumptuous ice cream did not look good as the popular food joint with branches in the capital stood accused as did the Ghana Food Court sinking in debts of (GH¢ 35,185. 60p).

Interestingly all these hotels charge their customers rates in which they embed the power component which customers must settle on entry or before exit of the facility. The FINANCIAL INSTITUTION DEFAULTERS These are institutions that deal with finance and in order to protect money which they lend out, request for collateral before granting loans; yet some of them owed power supply as at November 2011. Outfits in three ECG Regions (Accra East, Accra West and Tema) had yet to settle whooping sums in power debts to the ECG. Grave defaulters who surfaced in all the three regions were ‘The Pan-African Bank,’ Ecobank, whose total power debts added up to (GH¢ 320,275. 56) Societe Generale – Social Security Bank (SG-SSB), would not be left out of the list with (GH¢ 63,601. 00). Leading loans company now turned bank, Unique Trust Financial Services/ UT Bank, promised ‘a loan in 48 hours,’ to their numerous customers but had forgotten to pay debts in one of their two accounts, certainly the GH¢ 30,597. 93 was surely unacceptable.

Providence Insurance defaulted in bill payment to the tune of GHS 20,408. 28. The state owned Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) seem to be interested in serving its customers better than the ECG with debts of GHS 68,455. 96

As if the lack of bill payment by these banks was not injurious enough, some banks detailed to take electricity payments on behalf of ECG have been holding onto collected monies for as far back as 2008. This situation is causing customers and the ECG unwarranted nuisance, we would expose those banks and finance institutions in subsequent publications; STAY TUNED! TELECOM COMPANY (TELCO) DEFAULTERS The indebtedness of these companies is surprising especially considering the amount of funds that they have and continually pump into pageantry, musical shows and other media related exploits, perhaps in the light of gaining mileage within the populace. Certainly, settling their power debts which are a small fraction of their budgetary allocations for the many entertainment and sports programmes that they sponsor, would be most welcomed by an ECG that is badly in need of money to serve small scale businesses and homes. Ghana Telecom now Vodafone, on analysis were unmatched in their accumulated debt profile, the company owed in all five regions, in some cases in multiple accounts, their total debt stood at GH¢ 886,814. 15p. A breakdown of Vodafone debts are as follows; five accounts in Accra East, GH¢ 593,813. 16p; Ashanti West debt was, GH¢ 111,073. 82p; figures for the Western, Accra West and Tema regions were GH¢ 41,442. 72p, GH¢ 49,078. 55 and GH¢ 41,442. 72p respectively. Whilst Vodafone fails to settle its power bills, they splash cash on a programme like the ‘Vodafone Icons’ as mother Ghana awaits her trapped funds to help the rural poor who hardly know anything about Vodafone’s Icons.

Clearly Vodafone had failed to ‘Get On Board’ ECG’s debt collection train and had failed woefully to apply their infamous tagline; ‘Power to You,’ to their power debts owed ECG and the nation for that matter; an incredible GH¢ 886,514. 15. We hope it would be ECG’s time very soon to receive payment. Next to follow Vodafone is the yellow MTN battalion. With an estimated 10 million customers, MTN looked to have concerned themselves more with making the next million customers rather than paying for the power on which their machines were running. They were grave defaulters in three regions, Accra West, Kumasi West and in Tema. With GH¢ 115,998. 29p owed in Accra West, GH¢ 161,839. 89p in Kumasi West; and a fine Tema debt standing firmly at GH¢ 71,973. 01, the ‘Everywhere You Go’ team overall debts added up to some GH¢ 349,811. 19. Although yet to launch their operations in the country, Ghana’s sixth and last telecom network, Africa’s fastest growing network; GLO communications, and their ‘Rule Your World’ tagline, came third in this category, with an ECG debt of GH¢ 176,293. 96p in their account in the Accra West region. Kasapa (Now Expresso) had two accounts in Accra East and Accra West totaling GH¢ 98,213. 64p yet they tasked us to ‘Dare to Dream’. Their debts however fades into the background when it’s compared with that of Millicom Ghana, operators of the Tigo ‘Express Yourself’ platoon whose account debt in Accra West read as follows: GH¢ 154,562. 00. Zain (now Airtel) had paid up their power bills in other regions but had forgotten to settle one account in Ashanti West, GH¢ 63,232. 48. For these companies, what mattered was the battle for supremacy relative to who had more subscribers, programmes, events, promotions and TV commercials. With all that media blitz, ECG was the last entity they endeavored to consider. How can we build a country like this? If we all decide to contribute our quota by paying our taxes and bills, the poverty in mother Ghana would be minimized.

GROCERY DEFAULTERS/CORPORATE GHANA The infamous Max Mart Stores still had debts yet to be cleared in one of their two accounts; the figure to be paid being GH¢ 47,832. 74. Yet this same Max Mart stores had put up a car as reward for a sale promotion.

Shoprite with (GH¢ 52,577. 20) is ahead of Max Mart at the ECG. ‘Where Ghana shops,’ Melcom Ghana Ltd, owed ECG in Ashanti West GH¢ 13,941. 73 Depending on where you are coming from, they are at the entry or exit of the buzzing Osu Oxford street, they pride themselves as an outlet that is ‘catering for the needs of Ghanaians and expatriates. Koala Shopping Mall also owed some GH¢ 63,301. 80p

Here, we present you with perhaps the juiciest component of the debtors’ brigade. In here is a mixed bag of some key corporate defaulters owing the ECG, the candidates herein are mind boggling, interesting and funny if you like. The infamous Opeibea House owed GH¢ 24,117. 76, their neighbours with their unique architectural design, Silver Star Towers were also indebted to the ECG to the tune of GH¢77,940. 04. Completing the maze if you will, is the Premier Towers with mounting debts of GH¢ 218,865. 47. Did their name; Millennium Heights delude them into thinking that they could hold onto their GH¢ 31,434. 93 debt for 1000 years? Mind you, all these office space renters take huge cash sums from the many corporate institutions that operate from their outfit yet they did not see it prudent to set aside the power component for payment to ECG despite the fact that businesses in such buildings would come to a halt without electricity. Ghandour Cosmetics, who pride themselves as the leading cosmetic manufacturers would not lead the crusade to pay ECG debts of GH¢ 162,670. 82; ‘We Print’ says Camelot Ghana, beyond printing they forgot to pay debts of some GH¢ 21,713. 01. Teletech Ghana owed electricity arrears of GH¢ 45,801. 61.

POLY PRINT had not paid-up for power of GH¢ 171,698. 82 they used to produce their quality products, a similar story was observed of POLYGROUP, which was indebted to the tune of GH¢ 139,403. 51. Even the most popular POLY named company; POLYTANK Ghana Limited was owing 151,637. 06.

Latex Foam Annex could afford its patrons ‘partnership for life’ yet they would not partner ECG in debt payment (GH¢ 26,168. 75) for life.

Multinational giants, LEVER Brothers were ready to ‘create a better future daily’ for its many customers but failed woefully to pay ECG a whooping GH¢ 908,599. 34 in ever growing trapped power cash. Super Paper Products Company (SPPC) was in there with GH¢ 534,868. 05 Other companies who owed were: Air Liquide whose debtors account read GH¢ 120,272. 74; Patrons of Lifestyle Gallery paid for their stylish furniture but the outfit failed to pay ECG GH¢ 19,780. 60 of accumulated bills. Vienna City – an entertainment hub/ GH¢ 44,435. 14 as did Ikam Printing who perhaps forgot that ECG did not print currency but needed their GH¢ 30,990. 51 Reroy Cables (GH¢ 83,121. 11); these and many others owed ECG and had fallen foul of their responsibility to settle power debts. They all stand accused in ECG’s court of indebted companies. Drug manufacturing giants; Ernest Chemist/GH¢ 58,874. 38, Dampong Pharmacy owed GH¢ 14,824. 4 and were giving ECG bitter pills to swallow by their defaulting status. Importers of frozen poultry and meat products; Servister, were also inside the soup with GH¢ 88, 832. 43. The swanky Institute of Physicians and Surgeonss near the Ridge roundabout was indebted to the tune of GH¢ 208,266. 73. Syntex Plastic Factory admit in their tagline ‘We are regularly selling’ but as per their power debts of GH¢ 103,702. 89p; we contend they are not regularly paying. In debt as well is Ckeckpoint Ghana/ GH¢ 88,608. 38; Osu Entertainment Center and E Process International owed GH¢ 20,972. 62 and GH¢ 125,010. 84 in that order. Venue for all the big state conferences and the several musical shows owed the ECG a whooping amount of money. Our amazement though is whether the place can be rented on credit; a whole Accra International Conference Center (AICC) owed GH¢ 491,769. 78. With their ‘Tradition of fine catering,’ Airways Catering owed GH¢ 108,806. 29, whiles seeking to promote ‘Empowered Lives, resilient nation,’ did the United Nations Development Programme forget to pay their bill? We ask because they owed GH¢ 181,477. 49 The instance of multiple accounts was a prominent feature especially in Tema, as a result of the heavy industrial nature of the place and the Western Region, which was home to several wood processing companies and mines. In the Western region, John Bittar Company with 5 accounts had defaulted to the tune of GH¢ 2,436,640. 24, but were upstaged by Chiranno Goldmines whose twin accounts had given birth to GH¢ 5,228,524. 90. Noble Gold Bibiani did not exhibit any nobility with debts in excess of GH¢ 1,571,140. 32. Do you know what this money can do for places like Bimbilla, Bole and Chorkor? Everpure Water, producers of bottled mineral water had yet to settle the ECG to the tune of some GH¢ 15,111. 48; same was the case with the Bulk Oil Supply GH¢75,686. 11. There are several other companies whose names and debts as a November 2011, would be publish in subsequent publications. The Battor Catholic Church GH¢ 111,015,00 and another spiritual and Winners Chapel followed suit with GH¢ 13,293. 67 ACADEMIC DEFAULTERS It’s quite interesting that public universities for all the monies that they charge students in lieu of facility user fees; which has electricity bills incorporated into them, owed the ECG big time. Perhaps in living up to their ‘Premier University’ tag, Legon scored first class and wore the academic debtors gown with an outstanding debt of GH¢ 4,388,500. 63. University of Science and Technology, try as they did, lagged behind the frontrunner with a second class upper of GH¢ 2,981,228. 93. Then came the University of Cape Coast who were too busy learning and forgot to settle GH¢ 1,871,566. 40. Accra Polytechnic showed why the HND certificate was worthy on the job market. GH¢ 1,116,958. 78 was certainly a strong showing. The school stationed on Greenhill, near Legon, a. k. a. the Ghana Institute of Management and Professional Administration (GIMPA) were indebted in two accounts adding up to GH¢ 146,707. 44.

The Tarkwa School of Mines, dug deep down the earth and came up with two accounts which totaled GH¢ 339,646. 10p. The University of Education, Winneba also owed ECG some GH¢ 240,776. 42. The remaining institutions were; Institute of Professional Studies (IPS) - GH¢ 231,032. 01p, Presbyterian Boys Senior High School - GH¢ 165,976. 26, Kumasi Technical Institute - GH¢ 102,044. 06. The Pentecost University College for all the fees they charged students still had power debt to settle (GH¢ 46,533. 37), SOS College owed GH¢ 27,929. 36 INDUSTRIAL DEFAULTERS Relative to the industrial defaulters; majority of who were stationed in Tema and the Western region, we collated as many as 91 entities some with having as many as five accounts who owed the ECG, the gross sum of GH¢ 21,388,686. 52. We would definitely be dropping names in due course.

STATE INSTITUTION DEFAULTERS That State Institutions who were in debt relative to power used, came as a bit of a jolt especially so against the news item sometime last year, when the vice president, John Dramani Mahama, advised all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to change from post-paid to pre-paid meters. The veep’s position was met with different reactions and we are left wondering as at today what has become of it. The defaulters among MDAs are so many and juicy a register that we would bring the top 10 entities owing in power debts then take the lid off as many of them as we can later on. Top 10 State defaulters: Kpong Water Works GH¢ 12,749,926. 53 37 Military Hospital GH¢ 1,456,538. 40 GWCL Rooster Station GH¢ 1,407,983. 56 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital GH¢ 1,316,365. 31 Tema Oil Refinery GH¢ 1,192,367. 00 Office of the President GH¢ 675,805. 55 State House, Parliament GH¢ 635,781. 31 Ghana Water GH¢ 617,105. 51 Ghana Manganese Company GH¢ 553,929. 48 Police Headquarters GH¢ 393,736. 65 So just 10 defaulting State Institutions out of hundred others owed their fellow ECG An unbelievable sum of GH¢ 20,999,539. 30 equivalent to US$ 14,000,000. The list of Ministries owing huge amounts with their ever heaping power debts, were as follows: Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning GH¢ 524,924. 67 Ministry of Works and Housing GH¢ 70,839. 59 Ministry of Trade and Industry GH¢ 116,610. 58 Ministry of Defense GH¢ 8,814,284. 28 Ministry of Education GH¢ 214,685. 33 Ministry of Transport GH¢ 112,666. 88 We shall release the list for other Ministries in due course. We are aware of the clearing house module through which some state institutions pay their power debts. The question however is; for a country that is demanding much from ECG, on which grounds could their monies be held and for how long?

Other interesting defaulters on a regional basis were: In Accra East, Pantang Hospital owed, flanked by the Ghana Standards Board, the National Identification Authority, the Forestry Commission, Ghana Trade Fair Company, and the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority. In came the Elwak Military Barracks, the National Theatre and National Institute of Film and Television Institute (NAFTI) who refused to be left out. Guess our last three candidates; VAT Service, Police Hospital and the Controller and Accountant General’s Department. ACCRA WEST: Here, the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) wore the crown as lead defaulters with multiple accounts that added up to; GH¢ 657,225. 61p. SSNIT House, Trust Tower, Ridge Tower, Office Shopping and their Archives Department were all in the soup. Making an appearance in Accra West were; the Cocoa Marketing Board, State Publishing and State Insurance Corporation. Showing their solidarity was the Ghana Rubber Company and the Environmental Protection Agency. TEMA Here the very tall list included Juapong Textiles, Regional Maritime and PSC Tema Shipyard amongst several others who made the cut as did the Tema Municipal Assembly. WESTERN REGION State Institution defaulters included the likes of the Ghana Bauxite Company and the Ghana Railway Corporation. Others included the Air force Senior Mess, the Ghana Manganese Company, the Ghana Rubber Estates Limited; twin accounts of the Ghana Water Company and of course the Sekondi Fishing Harbour. The case of KUMASI WEST saw half of their four candidates place in the top 10 State Institution defaulters; GWCL Rooster Station and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, the Ghana Cocoa Board and Kumasi Abbatoir rounded up the roll call.

What is irritating is the deliberate misuse of power by most officials of these institutions. Workers do not put off their air conditioners; shops around such government institutions tap power for free etc. Indeed, some private businesses and individuals tap power from MDAs, ALL at the expense of the tax payer.

THE PATRIOTIC ENTITIES Although those who owed were in their thousands, the list of loyal partners of the ECG could not escape us during our analysis on entry into the nationwide ECG SLT system.

Nestle Ghana Limited, extended their Good Food, Good Life Policy to the ECG by paying their electricity bills whilst Ghacem Gh. Ltd, the nation builder made sure they were indeed building the nation by paying their electricity bills. Ghana International School (GIS), showed that they understand the inner working of not only their students, but also the ECG. They pay their bills and on time as well.

Intravenous Infusions Ltd, are not only producing pharmaceutical products to better the health of Ghanaians, but also paying their ECG bills to help in the development of the nation. Big Brother; Daily Graphic are indeed ahead of the pack, their ECG bills are paid on time. Praise must be given where it is due, whereas Novotel Kumasi owes the ECG a huge amount of money, Novotel Accra has been good to the state by paying all their bills.

Guinness Ghana Ltd. shows it has indeed got the power to pipe their rich dark Guinness by paying their ECG bills. The leading brewery in Ghana, Accra Brewery, exhibited their clear leadership by making sure they do not owe the ECG a penny. Fanmilk is not only so nice, nice nice in taste, it is also so nice to the ECG. It has settled its bills. The Cocoa Research Institute had also paid up. Palm Development Company Ltd also proved that they are not only concerned about the development of palm, but also of the ECG. ‘Your business is our business’ says the National Investment Bank and they are true to this. The business of ECG is theirs, so they have paid up. The Cape Coasters, Ameen Sangari Ltd, realizes that the power they use for their production activity is not free, so they settle their ECG bills on time.

Perhaps, other Public Institutions can take a leaf from the page of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA), who have fulfilled their duty to their fellow state institution, ECG, by paying all their bills.

To these entities and others who pay their bills on time to help the ECG to march onto greater heights, we say AYEKOO! !!

WE CALL ON THOSE WHO HAVE BILLING ERRORS TO GO TO THE ECG HEADQUARTERS TO RECTIFY THOSE ERRORS SINCE THEY STILL EXIST ON THE DATABASE AS DEFAULTERS. Re-Entry into ECG System – Tema in Focus Considering that Tema recorded the highest number of defaulters by our defaulters analysis, TIGER EYE, five months down the line (June 2011), reentered the ECG system to ascertain whether these companies were making any efforts to lessen their debts. We realized to our dismay that most companies sat by as their debts kept rising, this was the case even when Government was giving them some subsidies on their power consumption. Entities we tracked on our reentry were predominantly Steel, petroleum and the Manufacturing companies. So even in the light of subsidized power, companies still defaulted and ECG still sat by as more of the people’s power kept going waste. CLOSED/FINALIZED ACCOUNTS A closed account is a technical terminology that denotes meters that are supposed to be taken out of the ECG system as a result of heaped debts that remains unpaid by the particular entity. The ECG is then expected to take legal action against those companies as a last resort to recouping the used but unpaid power debts.

But more often than not we realized that most of such meters supposedly off the ECG system were still active and entities and individuals were still using such meters without paying a dime to the state.

Closed accounts have on their own also contributed a significant chunk of revenue loss on the part of ECG; there are institutions across board (i. e. all five regions under the purview of our investigations) who still had sums to settle in closed accounts. We found hundreds of accounts owed the ECG varying sums in closed accounts; meaning the particular entity or individual was no longer using the meter but had also not paid off the debt that was tied to the meters at the time they decided to stop the usage. The breakdown of trapped ECG funds in closed accounts was very worrying and a grave cause for concern.

Companies in this country owe the ECG such huge sums of money and the ECG always trumpets how obsolete their equipments are and why they need tariff adjustment after the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC’s) quarterly review. Clearly the lack of legal pursuance of adamant defaulters leaves a lethal impact on the national coffers, we ask; can any nation develop along such arbitrary lines? Your guess is as good as ours. Why should this be the case; what is the ECG legal team doing in this regard; for how long shall this persist?

There are several other entities who may not have been mentioned, that does not in any way mean that they do not owe. Individuals also owe the ECG and we would stop at nothing to put their names out.

Since the story broke, we are aware of all those companies who have hurried to the ECG to settle their bills. It is an exercise in giving back the ECG its due and then we can also demand of them quality service, efficiency and value for all the monies that we pay to them as bills.

God Bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong.

In Phase 3 of the President’s Assignment, we walk you through state and private individuals who have decided to help the ECG in its operations when it came to the supply of power.

The ‘Agbogloshie Private ECG Grid’, the ‘Prampram Self Electrification Master’, the infamous ‘Takoradi Air Force Base Military Power Distribution Lord’s, the ‘Accra Mall dollar rate chargers’ and the 1. 6 million debt collection saga amongst other issues, will be uncovered. STAY TUNED! !!

Source: New Crusading Guide