
Rotary Club opens Soronko Business Solution Centre to empower women

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Sat, 5 Sep 2020 Source:

Rotary Club of Accra-Airport in collaboration with Rotary Club of Limburgerhof/Vorderpfalz on Friday, September 4, 2020, launched Soronko Business Solution Centre to empower young women.

This business centre is to allow young women to acquire knowledge in coding to make them technologically savvy to compete with the men in the ICT space.

During the launch of the Business Solution Centre Friday, Assistant Governor of the Club, Rotarian William Ofori said: “We realised that empowering women starting from younger ages as girls in this fast technological advance world will be a way to empower them in making sure that they are well prepared to contribute, compete with the men and make a difference in that technological space as we evolve”.

These young girls will undergo a 6-week training of coding and digital skills when enrolled.

This is to shape them to be more valuable and ready for market after the completion of the school.

Rotarian William Ofori noted that “This business solution centre was to ensure that this coding projects that we have for these young girls also become sustainable because it is one of the hallmarks of Rotary projects”.

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