Rush Limbaugh - a popular controversial American radio host and conservative political commentator - talks about Obama's Trip to Ghana
And he wasn't even speaking to Ghana. You know his primary audience is right here. His primary audience here at home. He wants to govern like the people he is lecturing. Obama wants to govern like an African colonial. So he needs cover. This speech paints Obama as something he is not. "No country is going to create wealth," we're not creating wealth, "if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves." You can exploit the economy to enrich yourself politically, maybe not financially -- and that's what Obama and the Democrats are doing. They are exploiting our economy, they are destroying it to enrich themselves politically. "Police can be bought off by drug traffickers"? Well, I don't want to compare the New Black Panthers of this, but they engaged in voter intimidation and Eric Holder drops the charges and says, "Nah, we're not going to look at that." ACORN gets $4.8 billion in stimulus money? This lecture that Obama gave in Ghana had its primary audience right here at home.
This speech paints Obama to be something he's not. Why wasn't this speech given in Russia? 'Cause he wanted out of there alive! And why not give this speech in Cairo? No, Obama goes to a poor African country and he used the poor African country for a prop. If Obama is really bent out of shape about all these things that he lists, he would not have waited to give a speech like this. He's had opportunities in several other countries to talk about economic growth and the creation of wealth. So telling Africa to end tyranny and corruption is just cover, ladies and gentlemen, for an American audience who will hear him give that speech and say, "Oh, Obama wants to create wealth! He wants to preserve the United States as we've always known it. He's trying to get Africa to follow in our footsteps. Oh, what a great guy." It's to insulate him from any association or attachment to current economic crisis.