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SSNIT clarifies accusations over past credit payments by CLOGSAG

SSNIT1212677 SSNIT has responded to the accusations by CLOGSAG

Fri, 19 Mar 2021 Source:

SSNIT has said that attesting to account details of pensioners has no bearing on the payment of past credits concerns raised by the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana.

According to a statement directed to CLOGSAG from the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), they said that attesting to a claim will not lead to lost benefits.

“One does not forfeit any rightfully earned benefits when additional financial information is retrieved for that person at a later date,” the statement explained further.

The statement further stated that “…The said acceptance or attestation does not have anything to do with the payment of past credit and matters arising thereof.”

Earlier, CLOGSAG had complained that the SSNIT attestation forms are “designed in a manner that does not allow a pensioner to any claim, thereafter, if there are even genuine grounds for further payment.”

By that, CLOGSAG was advising its members to desist from completing the form saying the issue of past credits has not been resolved.

It explained further that “there remained the possibility of further payments” but SSNIT assured that it would apply transparency in its processes.

“If any inaccuracy is noticed, Members can draw the Trust’s attention for it to be rectified and indicate whether they want their benefits to be paid whilst the issues with the Statements are resolved later,” it added.

The statement concluded that “Members may also exercise the right to wait for the anomalies to be corrected before their pensions are computed and paid.”
