
Salt producers taken through salt iodization process

Mon, 15 Feb 2010 Source: GNA

Big Ada (G/R), Feb 15, GNA - The Council for Scientific and Industri= al Research (CSIR) in collaboration with UNICEF have taken 113 people from major salt producing areas in the country through series of training on s= alt iodization. The participants were drawn from communities around the Ada Songhor Lagoon area, Keta and Ketu districts. The aim of the training was to equip salt producers, winners and traders with the requisite know-how on salt iodization for domestic purposes.

Mr Mawuena Aggey, a research fellow at the CSIR told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that after the exercise the participants would be given capital and tools to begin operating salt iodization as profit maki= ng venture.

He said the trainees would be engaged to iodize salt for a fee. UNICEF distributed one Knapsack sprayer machine, goggles, hand glove= s, receipt books, shovels among other items to each participant. Mr Raymond Tettehfio, a member of Dangme-East Salt Producers Association and Queen Mother Naana Korlekie Korle I of Terkperbiawer clan= , lauded CSIR and UNICEF for their initiative, saying it would go a long wa= y to boost salt production and trading in the country. 15 Feb. 10

Source: GNA