
Sam Nujoma Stops Over En-route To Edinburgh

Fri, 24 Oct 1997 Source: --

Accra, (Greater Accra) 23 Oct.,

Accra, (Greater Accra) 23 Oct., The President of Namibia, Dr. Sam Nujoma and his wife Theopaulina, today made a stop-over in Accra en route to Edinburgh, Scotland, to attend the Commonwealth Heads of State Summit. At the airport to meet him were the Vice-President Professor John Atta Mills, and his wife Mrs. Naadu, Mr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, Minister of Communications, and Nii Okaija Adamafio, Minister of Interior. Speaking to journalists, Dr. Nujoma described the theme for the summit "Trade, investment and development'' as relevant because of the new approach needed to balance international trade between the north and south. He said it is no longer appropriate for Europe to dominate trade stressing that the summit will seek to promote trade between the north and south. Touching on Nigeria's suspension from the commonwealth, the Namibian President said though Nigeria will not be there as a nation other African leaders will speak for her.

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