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Save children and youth from illicit drugs - NACOB appeals

Illicit Drugs Pic 43 Food and Drugs Authority and Pharmacy Council are fighting the abuse of tramadol

Wed, 27 Jun 2018 Source:

Narcotics Control Board (NACOB) has appealed to parents, guardians, teachers and people in responsible positions to help the nation to save its children and youth from indulging in drugs and substance abuse.

According to NACOB breaking the chain of early adolescent commencement of drug use could help young people to grow safe and healthy.

In that regard, “the role of guardians, parents and teachers among others in listening to the needs of children is critical in helping them to refrain from substance abuse”.

A press release signed and issued by Mr Shadrach Bosomtwe, the Regional Commander of the Brong-Ahafo Command of NACOB and copied the Ghana News Agency on Tuesday in Sunyani said.

The release was part of the regional commemoration of the 2018 World Drug Day celebration that is observed internationally on June 26 annually.

It was under the theme “Listen First – Listening to Children and Youth is the First Step to Help Them Grow Healthy and Safe”.

The release said the theme “is a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) initiative for the prevention of drug use that is based on science” because “research suggests that early to late adolescent is a critical risk period for the initiation or to commence the use of substance abuse”.

It said the war against the illicit use of drugs had been a very challenging one over the years and it had become “an all-encompassing tussle to be able to save the next generation from the harm and negative effects of the illicit drug”.

The release said “the recent upsurge in the abuse of Tramadol has become a great concern to the Board, even though it is not yet under the control of the NACOB. It is considered as a gateway drug, thus the concern of the Board to have it nipped in the bud before it gets out of hands”.

The Board, therefore, has been collaborating with the Food and Drugs Authority and Pharmacy Council in fighting the abuse of Tramadol, it indicated.

The release assured the Brong-Ahafo Regional Command that as part of its mandate and strategy, it would continue to educate the populace in schools, churches, mosques, local communities and other institutions to send the message across to the people in the entire Region.

It added that the Command would also persist “with its Control and Enforcement, Precursor Control and Drug Demand Reduction Functions to help make the Region a safer place”.

The release resolved that the Command would solicit the support of all stakeholders including the media, traditional and community leaders, education directorates, school and institutional heads as well as Municipal and District Assemblies in its fight against illicit drugs.

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