The campaign seeks to fight hate and savage attacks targeted at vulnerable people online
For some time now, social media and by extension comments sections of websites have become avenues where people use to denigrate others.
These online communities that afford all users the opportunity to be anywhere in the world and still have the world at their fingertips have been weaponized by some who use it as a tool to bully others.
Cyberbullying/cyberharassment is gradually turning social media and website platforms into a community where no one feels safe.
To fight hate and savage attacks targeted at vulnerable people online, launched an anti-Cyberbullying campaign.
This campaign sparked a conversation on cyberbullying and making social media, website charts and comments box safe spaces for everyone.
It is an attempt to ensure that everyone can thrive online and not live in constant fear of when the unruly neighbours will come knocking.
ScreenShot, as called its anti-cyberbullying campaign, is creating that platform to keep the conversation going and bringing together stakeholders to bounce off ideas online about cyberbullying and/or cyberharassment with the ultimate aim to make social media and website platforms a more accommodating community than it currently is.
During the campaign, victim support resources have been provided to help everyone experiencing cyberbullying.
Everyone with a social media account on whichever platform can be a soldier in this fight - an ambassador of pushing the anti-cyberbullying narrative.
It starts by using your platform however how small or large it is to say "it's enough, do not hide behind your screens to take shots at people."
Social Media is one of the best things that ever happened to today's generation, let's not ruin it.