
Senegal to learn from the National Communication Authority

Wed, 12 Oct 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, Oct 12, GNA - A Senegalese delegation has arrived in Ghana to seek expertise from the National Communication Authority (NCA), following Ghana's success in curtailing international phone call trafficking. The delegation led by Mr Momar Ndao, an advisor to the Senegalese government, was to acquaint itself with modalities Ghana used to halt the call trafficking business and generated revenue for the nation after only a year of implementation.

Mr Ndao, who is also the Chairman of the Consumers Association of Senegal told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the success story of Ghana in stopping the call trafficking trade compelled the Senegalese authorities to seek advice in their quest to end the uproar that had almost plunged that country's communication network into turmoil. He said 93now we have a good example to tell because when I decided t= o implement laws to help us stop the trafficking, the communication operators threatened to shut down, claiming it will soar call charges and affect thei= r operations.

"Being in Ghana has, however, taught us that we can rather generate revenue and we are happy to learn so many things here. We will carry the lessons learnt home and replicate it for a better Senegal." Mr Ndao said Ghana, Congo, Gabon, Mauritania, Liberia and Guinea are the only African countries with success stories in curtailing the international call trafficking trade.

He said the time was ripe for Africa to use their sovereignty to implement effective communication strategies to the benefit of the people. Mr Ndoa said 93It is time for African leaders to take advantage of their sovereignty to manage our own economies and focus on fighting the flying capitalism that is disturbing the continent. The fine example of Ghana point to the fact that if managed well, we will make gains instead of the supposed rising international calls they initially claimed. "It is very crucial to implement this because after all it will rath= er bring more money from abroad and that can be invested in Information and communication Technology and finance other developmental project from this verification'. Senegal in August 2010, attempted to introduce strategies to end the call trafficking but demonstrations involving consumers and operators compelled the government to halt the process, which was reintroduced a mont= h ago. Ghana realised $61 million after only a year of implementing laws that curtail the international call trafficking. Per the law, six cent of the 19 cent charged on each international cal= l goes to government while the rest is given to the operators. Mr Joshua K. Peprah, Director, Regulatory Administration of the NCA, told the GNA that the Authority had shared its in the area of technical installation, challenges and among others with the delegation. He said a Tanzanian delegation toured Ghana last week on the same mission and the NCA would receive their counterparts from Uganda in the ensuing days on a similar quest.

Source: GNA