
Seventy-five accidents claim 40 lives in Wa

Wed, 5 Jan 2011 Source: GNA

Wa, Jan. 5, GNA - Forty-four people lost their lives in 75 road accidents that were recorded in 2010 in the Wa Municipality, Assistant Superintendent of Police Joseph Oppong, the Upper West Regional Police Commander of the MTTU, said on Wednesday. He told the GNA that 60 accidents were recorded 2009 in which 38 peopl= e died. A total of GH¢68,558.00 was realised as court fines imposed on road traffic offenders during the year.

Wa, Jan. 5, GNA - Forty-four people lost their lives in 75 road accidents that were recorded in 2010 in the Wa Municipality, Assistant Superintendent of Police Joseph Oppong, the Upper West Regional Police Commander of the MTTU, said on Wednesday. He told the GNA that 60 accidents were recorded 2009 in which 38 peopl= e died. A total of GH¢68,558.00 was realised as court fines imposed on road traffic offenders during the year. He attributed the increase to the willingness of the public to report accident cases due to the intensive public education carried out by the police on the need to report accidents. Mr Oppong said this year emphasis would be placed on enforcement of road traffic laws in order to curb the number of road accidents.

Source: GNA