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Severe thunderstorm to hit Ghana - GMA

Thunder Lightning

Tue, 8 May 2012 Source: GNA

The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMA) has announced that it has observed a severe thunderstorm heading towards the Eastern portions of the country.

According to the weather warning, the storm will give “moderate thundery rain over areas around the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Western, Volta and the Upper East and West regions as well as the Northern region.”

It said: “The coastal areas will be cloudy with slight to moderate thundery showers tonight (Tuesday). Volta region that is areas around Ho, Aflao, Keta, Hohoe, Peki, Tsito and their surroundings between now and midnight will also experience the thunderstorm.”

The statement signed by Felicity Ahafianyo, a duty forecaster, said the coastal belt will experience occasional rain or thundery-showers “tonight and tomorrow. Over the capital city it will be isolated to scattered thundery showers with moderate surface wind and thunder over Madina, Dome, Kwabenya, Accra central, Kaneshie, Circle, Circle, La, Teshie-Nungua.”

The GMA served notice that the “storm is accompanied by strong surface wind and lightening with thunder. The public is therefore advised to take precaution, parent and school children should watch over the movement of their wards.”**

Source: GNA