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Sheikh comforts Muslims who could not make pilgrimage

Sun, 4 Feb 2007 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Feb. 4, GNA - Sheikh Dr. Amen Bonsu, Deputy National Imam of the Ghana Muslim Mission (GMM), has called on Muslims, who could not travel to Mecca to perform the Hajj last year not to be down-hearted.

He said the incident should rather strengthen their faith and belief in God and therefore continue to pray to God for guidance and to open the way for them to honour the religious obligation this year. Speaking to Ghana News Agency in Kumasi after the Friday Prayers on the outcome of the pilgrimage last year, Sheikh Dr. Bonsu said, as believers, they should regard their inability to perform the Hajj as the will of God.

He stressed the need for them to take all that had happened in good faith and work seriously so that they receive the blessings of God to be able to make the Hajj at all cost in future. Sheikh Dr Bonsu, who is also the Managing Director of Amen Scientific Herbal Hospital appealed to the government to ensure that the Hajj Board reimbursed all the expenses these Muslims incurred and if possible compensate them.

He indicated that Hajj is recognised as one of the most important pillars of Islam which must be fulfilled by every able Muslim and so a Muslim who decides to go and is deprived of it, the issue becomes an indelible instinct to the person.

The Deputy National Imam called for the inclusion of Imams and other agents and other representatives of all Muslim bodies at the regional and district levels to enhance a transparent, beautiful and successful annual event.

He said it should be a spiritual exercise as it stands for devoid of any commercial connotations saying" it is time all stakeholders are brought on board to end all frustrations and unnecessary confrontations with authorities when it comes to Muslims' pilgrimage to Mecca every year".

Sheikh Dr. Bonsu urged Muslims to participate actively in the Golden Jubilee celebration of the country by praying and fasting for its success, working hard at their workplaces and doing away with all negative perceptions and behaviours that impede national unity and progress.

Source: GNA