
Shipping Agents Complain of Ceps' Inaction

Thu, 5 Jul 2001 Source: Accra Mail

Shipping Agents at the Tema Port have complained about the blatant refusal of Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS) to attend berthing meetings where the arrival of ships are announced.

The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) that chairs the meetings, said institutions that were obliged to attend the meetings alongside other stakeholders include Port Health, Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) and CEPS.

The meeting gives information about ships that would be arriving at the port and is held at 10:00 hours from Monday to Friday. It also allocates berths for ships and announces the time of arrival.

GPHA officials explained to the Ghana News Agency that all institutions that attend the meetings have different roles to play, when a ship berths at the port.

They get on board to find out the cargo the ship is carrying to ensure that it does not bring in any dangerous item.

It was discovered from the berthing meetings record book that it was only the representatives of CEPS that were not regular at such meetings, even though, it was an obligation.

CEPS expect shipping agents to call at their offices before they would carry out their inspection.

The Agents were, however, of the view that since CEPS have a preventive section, it was their duty to ensure that they were fully represented so that they could stop or prevent any dangerous goods including arms and ammunition

from coming into the country, adding all institutions that should attend berthing meetings have their vital roles to play to save the country.

The Agents said CEPS, even though, knows about the arrival of ships, they drag their feet or sometimes refuse to give clearance to ships, which have completed discharging their goods or assignments to sail off.

When Agents apply for clearance, CEPS then begin to initiate investigations to find out when the ship entered the port or dry-dock and whether she had brought in any dangerous goods.

The Agents referred to a situation when CEPS Assistant Commissioner at the Long Room caused the seizure of an Iranian Ship, M/V Iran Ershed, which came to Tema PSC Shipyard in an emergency situation to dry-dock from June 4.

Source: Accra Mail