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Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey holds bilateral meetings with Italian counterparts

Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey and Deputy Prime Minister H. E. Antonio Tajani | Credit:

Thu, 20 Apr 2023 Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey paid an official visit to Rome from 10th to 13th April 2023.

During the visit, the Minister held a bilateral meeting with her Italian counterpart, H. E. Antonio Tajani. This presented an opportunity for Ghana’s Foreign Minister to recall the vibrant trade relations between Ghana and Italy dating back to pre-independence when Venetian merchants from Italy used precious beads as a medium of trade prior to the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries.

Elaborating on the Ghana Beyond Aid vision of H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, she explained that the President’s vision of moving Ghana from the dependence on aid towards self-reliance, is underpinned by human resource development, industrialization and economic transformation.

In this regard, she informed that Government had introduced special initiatives such as the Free Senior High School, the “One District One Factory Initiative”, Planting for Food and Jobs Initiative, amongst others.

Ghana’s foreign minister asserted that Government’s industrialization agenda remained vital to stimulating investments aimed at job and wealth creation. The Hon. Minister noted that efforts by Government in this direction would empower the youth and contribute to curbing the push factors of migration.


Speaking on the benefits to be derived from the creation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in Accra, the Hon. Minister welcomed Italian companies to take advantage of the numerous opportunities in furtherance of a mutually beneficial outcome.

She cited trade and investments, cultural exchanges, agriculture and security as further areas of cooperation.

The Hon. Minister welcomed investments in grains and cereals production in Ghana, as a result of the global deficiency arising from the adverse impact of Russia-Ukraine war.

On health, Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey disclosed that a Vaccine hun was being established in Ghana to fortify Governments’ capacity to address future pandemics.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, H. E. Antonio Tajani, on his part, underscored the importance of augmenting existing bilateral relations in various areas such as agriculture, education, migration, terrorism, security and energy.

He also expressed the readiness of the Italian Government to collaborate with Ghana in various joint ventures for the mutual benefit of both sides.  


While briefing his guest on the aspirations of the Italian government in becoming the leading European hub of energy, H. E. Tajani recalled Italy’s bid to host the World Expo 2030 and sought Ghana’s support for the candidature.

He further briefed his guest on the upcoming Italy-Africa Conference to be held in the fourth quarter of 2023, aimed at promoting initiatives that will strengthen Italy’s partnership with African countries,


The Italian Foreign Minister proposed the organization of a joint agri-business venture in Ghana and pledged to pursue further dialogue at the upcoming Italy-Africa Conference.

Ghana’s Foreign Minister was accompanied by Ghana’s Ambassador to Italy, Her Excellency Mrs. Merene Botsio Benyah; the Deputy Ambassador, Mrs. Matilda Alomatu Osei-Agyeman; and other officials from the Embassy of Ghana in Rome.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration