
Size Of Govt Is Just Right ? Kwadwo Mpiani

Wed, 2 Mar 2005 Source: Joy Online

The Minister Designate For Presidential Affairs Kwadwo Mpiani, has told Parliament?s that the 88 ministerial and deputies ministerial portfolios named by the president is just right to run the affairs of government.

Answering questions before Parliament?s Appointment Committee on Wednesday, the chief of staff said he did not see anything wrong with the number of Minister and Deputy Ministers appointed to serve in the Kufuor administration.

The president has been criticised for nominating more ministers in his second term but Mr Mpiani told Parliament that the current size is not very different from what pertained during the NDC regime.

On the number of Presidential Staffers, Advisors, Spokespersons and Special Assistant in government, the Nominee said there were 20 staffers in the castle but only three of them are Presidential Staffers.

He said currently, the government has four to five Spokespersons and he was not aware of any Special Advisors with the exception of one, who was in charge of reproductive health.

Other nominees who appeared before the vetting committee include the minister designate for Public Sector Reform, Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, Dr Kofi Konadu Appraku, Minister Designate for regional Cooperation and NEPAD and Elizabeth Ohene, Minister designate for Tertiary Education.

Source: Joy Online