
Snakes invade Akotoklo Primary School

Snakes Vrs Students D.jpeg The kindergarten classroom has developed deep cracks with beams hanging loosely

Wed, 7 Feb 2018 Source:

Lives of some 120 pupils at Akotoklo-Gua D/A Primary School in the Upper Manya Krobo District of the Eastern Region are in danger, Today can report.

This, Today gathered, is due to the deteriorating nature of the bamboo shed and mud pavilion classroom blocks that house pupils of this school.

The school, which was built by the community in 2005, Today further gathered, is fast deteriorating.

Invasion by snakes and other reptiles during teaching hours is also a common feature at the school.

The Akotoklo-Gua D/A School serves communities such as Dosi, Apemso-Wayo, Gua, Akotoklo and parts of Odikyerensa.

Dozens of pupils escaped death when parts of the school structure collapsed two weeks ago.

The kindergarten classroom has developed deep cracks with beams hanging loosely ready to cave in to cause disaster.

Speaking to Today in an interview some teachers vowed not to enter the classrooms to avoid being killed should the classrooms collapse.

“I have told my colleagues teaching there that I will not step foot in that kindergarten classroom because it poses danger to the pupils and teachers,” a teacher who spoke on a condition of anonymity said.

According to the teacher, some of the teachers and school children including kindergarten pupils had to battle snakes and other dangerous reptiles that invade their classrooms every day.

“Sometimes you will be in a classroom then a snake will suddenly appear then you will see the children running helter-skelter. Last term, for instance, a snake was hiding in the kindergarten classroom and it nearly bite them,” the teacher recounted.

Eight teachers including females who trek about four miles to teach everyday are now despondent over the failure of the education ministry to address the plight of the school.

Kennedy Okai, one of the dispirited teachers, told journalists that the infrastructural condition of the school was very demoralising with a call on government to come to the aid of the school.

Leaders in the community also said “they feel left out by government because the community lacks basic social amenities such as road network, potable water, school building, electricity among others.”
