
Soldiers Brutalize Driver

Fri, 8 Apr 2011 Source: Herald

A group of soldiers, numbering about six, brutally assaulted one James Ocloo last Thursday afternoon, dislocating his left arm.

James Ocloo, who operates a car hiring service at Fiesta Royal Hotel at North Dzorwulu in Accra, met his fate when he was driving a client through the Dog Training Academy located at North Dzorwulu.

According to him, when he got to the academy, he realized that the road had been closed. However, an oncoming taxi passed through with the driver opening the gate.

He too decided to do the same thing. But just as he had gone through and had gotten down to close the gate, a couple of men from a house close to the road, rushed on him, complaining about he opening the gate when it had openly been written on a sign post that the road had been closed and that training was in progress.

He said as he was pleading for pardon, another man rushed from the house and started punching him in the face.

According to him, he decided to return the punch as a way of protecting himself. But in the next instance, about six men had descended on him punching him, from all angles. One of them even went for a big stick and, started pounding him as if he were a viper, when he fell down.

Having realized that they had beaten this driver well enough, and that any further beating could lead to something else, the men, apparently soldiers stationed at the academy, left. But one of them came back and picked the stick which could be used as a piece of evidence against him and his colleagues.

The case has been reported at the Airport Police Station, and Mr. Ocloo has been provided with a medical form to go to the hospital.

At the time The Herald went to bed yesterday, Ocloo had been taken to the 37 Military Hospital.

Chief Inspector Samani of the Airport Police Station has commenced investigations in to the case by visiting the dog training academy to find out what happened.

The police are to come back today to the academy to continue with their investigations.

Source: Herald