
Some miracle working pastors are agents of Antichrist - Evangelist

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Fri, 27 Apr 2018 Source:

Jesus fulfilled many prophecies of the Messiah during his birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection as recorded on the Bible.

However, the second coming of Jesus Christ is perhaps the most anticipated event in the lives of believers, though this prophecy is yet to be fulfilled.

The Bible did mention some signs that will hint of his second coming and these signs are fast happening Sampson Joe Baning, Head Pastor of the Living Testimonies for Jesus Bible Ministry has warned.

According to Evangelist Sampson Joe Baning, there are many miracles being performed by the anti-Christ through pastors.

“The Bible says he (anti-Christ will lead pastors to perform miraculous signs. The Bibles says in 2Thessalonians 2:9-12, the coming of the lawless one thus the spirit of the anti-Christ shall be in accordance with the work of Satan performing miracles through pastors”

Evangelist Sampson Joe Baning stated these miracles are being performed to lead many astray, urging believers to be watchful of such persons.

The Man of God went on to slam such pastors who brag after performing every miracle and prophesying, describing them as ‘satanic nonsense’.

“We should rather preach to people and allow them to be convicted by the Holy Spirit. That is true Christianity and the mechanism God expects from us the men of God to apply in bringing people to him” he said.
