
Southey Contracting Limited donates 300 dual desk schools in Ahanta West Municipality

Beenie Words 1 The donation was done on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 to the Education Directorate

Fri, 28 Jun 2019 Source: Elorm Beenie

Southey Contracting Limited, a joint venture between Southey Offshore and Ensol Energy which provides services to both offshore and onshore facilities has donated 300 dual desks to schools in Ahanta West Municipal as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility.

The donation was done on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 to the Education Directorate through the Municipal Assembly.

The Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Mrs Henrietta Eyison expressed her gratitude to Southey Contracting Limited for giving them relief as most schools in the Municipality lack these necessities. She encouraged Southey Contracting Limited and other companies operating in their jurisdiction to use their CSR to the benefit of the people.

The Municipal Education Director, Mr. Mark Adatekey acknowledged the effort of Southey and asked for more.

Mrs Dafna Ocran, Director of Southey Contracting Limited emphasized that they will continue to be a partner to the Municipality and all their operational areas to help propel the development of the people and the area. She was of the belief that their effort will yield a positive result and assured them of more support.

The leader of the Petroleum Commission, Mr. Alfred Ayah applauded Southey Contracting Limited for executing one of their approved CSR projected initiatives. He used the occasion to advise stakeholders especially teachers on the need to ensure the safety of items presented to them. " Companies must understand that CSR is mandatory per the local content law and we will not spare those who default this", Mr Ayah cautioned.

The event was honoured by Headteachers of some schools, members of the Municipal Assembly, Representatives from the Education Directorate, representatives from Petroleum Commission, Staff of Southey Contracting and the media.

Source: Elorm Beenie