By Charels Kofi Fekpe
Genesis 8:22
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest time……. shall not cease.”
Meaning, as long as there is a sowing in the earth, there will be a harvesting. If you know anything about farming you would agree that what is yielded as fruit depends on both the seed and the soil. If you sow a bad seed in a fertile ground, you will not yield any fruit and if you sow an excellent seed in an infertile soil, it yields nothing.
Now watch this – The seed and the soil have their roles to play in bringing about the yield – the seed presents itself to be multiplied and the soil (earth) presents the nutrients needed to multiply the seed, but here is the revelation: the seed and everything in it is “fixed” it cannot be changed. It is what it is. However, the soil is different. If the soil doesn’t occur naturally fertile, you can indeed do something to improve it. It is possible to turn an otherwise infertile land to a fertile land. It is essential to note that the Earth cannot give to the seed, the nutrient it does not have.
A man cannot give you what he does not have….. Man is the earth. From it he came forth and will go to.
I do NOT sow my seeds into soils that are not fertile. I do not sow my seeds of time, joy, wisdom, money, prayers, hopes, faith, grace, strength, favour etc into infertile lives – a land cannot give to a seed, the nutrients it does not have. A man cannot yield to you a blessing if it is not in him. Every seed you sow is a spiritual investment.
If you want an excellent marriage, sow into a marriage that you see working. If you desire to blossom in wisdom, sow into the wisdom that works. If you desire anointing, sow into an anointing that changes lives and remember, your seed is not only money, it is all you have to give.
No man can yield to you the blessing he's not been blessed with.