
'Spiritual powers for political positions will cause more evil and calamities soon'- Eagle Prophet

Abusua Pastor 11 Prophet Oduro Gyebi is said to have prophesied about the fatal accident at Kintampo

Mon, 20 Mar 2017 Source:

Resident Pastor with Abusua FM who predicted Sunday afternoon’s Kintampo Waterfall disaster a week before on Abusua FM has revealed there are more grievous calamities looming over the country which he said could be averted through National prayer and fasting.

Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, affectionately called Eagle Prophet said the yet to happen disasters are targeted at the youth and something must be done urgently to prevent “that tragedy”.

Prophet Gyebi’s prophecy on Kintampo Waterfall disaster hit the mainstream media in the early hours of Monday after exactly a week after his regular midnight service on the station.

The prophet in a video while preaching on Abusua FM claimed to have received revelations of the disaster and warned the School authorities to cancelled the trip or be visited with a disaster.

Some students of Wenchi Senior High School are reported to be among people who suffered a fatal accident at the Kintampo Waterfalls today yesterday when they were on excursion to the tourist site.

It was reported that about 18 students have been identified as dead while others have sustained various degrees of injuries. This was as a result of a huge tree that fell uphill the Waterfall, running over the people who were swimming in the waterfall.

But Prophet Oduro Gyebi of God’s Crown Chapel in an interview with host of Abusua Nkommo, Kwame Adinkrah insisted the Kintampo disaster would have been averted if the School Authorities had heeded his caution ahead of the incident.

“I had the revelation 7 clear days before the incident took place, and it was a caution prophecy especially to the youth,” he said.

“I can still see plenty evil and calamities waiting to strike Ghana and these are targeted at the youth because the youth holds the destiny of the country,” he added.

“Let us pray to stop this demonic disaster, clouds of calamity are hovering over us, there are people who went for all kinds of spiritual powers for political positions, so we must pray”, he revealed.
