
Springfield sues The New Statesman, others for Ghc30m

Fri, 9 Oct 2015 Source: peacefmonline

Management of Springfield Energy has responded to some media reportage they call 'false, baseless and calculated' to tarnish their image and that of the CEO. The company further hinted of resorting to the law courts if need be, to protect their hard-won reputation at home and abroad.

This was contained in a terse but strongly worded press statement released by management and signed by the head of Human Resource and Public Affairs, George Ayebah

Below is the full statement

We view with great concern rumours emanating from the segment of the social, print and electronic media that our company is one of those involved in unwholesome activities in the Oil and Gas industry in Nigeria.

For nearly a decade, we have worked with reputable companies such as Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), National Petroleum Authority (NPA) and Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) within the Gulf of Guinea and internationally, BP, Total, Chevron, Glencore etc. In all these dealings, we have abided by all industry regulations and successfully met all our financial obligations to these partners.

Our Chief Executive, Kevin Okyere, continues to enjoy his reputation as one of the youngest industry CEO’s around the world. We state categorically that these published rumours are false, baseless and calculated to do untold harm to our business interests and undermine our hard-won reputation. We will continue to play our part in the development of the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Guinea to the benefit of our people.

We have instructed our lawyers to file law suits against The New Statesman, The Al-Hajj, Herald and The Republic for participating in the publication of falsehood against our CEO, Kevin Okyere and our company relating to our businesses in Ghana and Nigeria. We would like to use this opportunity to thank those media houses who have asked for our own side of the story before publishing.

In the same vein, we will robustly defend our companies’ reputation against any media or persons who will attempt to tarnish it.


For and on Behalf of Management

George Ayebah Head, HR & Public Affairs

Dated: 8th October, 2015

Source: peacefmonline