
St Theresa’s Hospital at Nkoranze needs more midwives

Wed, 2 Jan 2013 Source: GNA

Ms Diana Amoako, Midwife in-charge of Saint Theresa’s Catholic Hospital at Nkoranza has appealed for the posting of more midwives to the hospital to reduce maternal and infant mortality.

She pointed out that only six midwives were at post, which was inadequate for the volume of work at the maternity ward of the hospital which was the main referral centre for about 15 health facilities in the Nkoranza South Municipality and Nkoranza North District.

Ms Amoako made the appeal in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Nkoranza.

She said between January and December last year, 2,250 supervised deliveries were recorded as well as four maternal deaths but no cases of infant mortality were recorded.

Ms Mary B. Dakogri, also a midwife, told the GNA that 20 babies were delivered during the yuletide out of whom 14 were male and six females including two sets of twins. However, two of them died.

She said except one woman who underwent caesarean operation, the rest had normal deliveries and that they were all in good health.

Source: GNA