
State of health in AASDA

Sat, 5 Feb 2005 Source: GNA

Juaso (Ash) Feb. 05, GNA -- The Doctor to patient ratio in the Asante-Akim South District is one is to 55,369 on the assumption that the District Health Service is functioning fully.

Currently, there is only one medical doctor for the whole district with a population of 110,729.

A report presented to the Asante-Akim South District Assembly (AASDA) during a special general assembly session held at Juaso revealed that the nurse to patient ratio is one is to 3,818.

There are only eight midwives in the district, with five of them working at the District Hospital. Four health facilities have no midwives at all and these are Morso, Ofoase, Dwendwenase and Muranaim and the report added that Muranaim clinic in particular has no health worker and has temporally been closed down.

The report disclosed that there are 10 health facilities in the district, including one district hospital, six of these have no electricity and water, notably Ofoase, Obogu, Banka, Murranaim, Banso and Dwendwenase.

The Juaso District Hospital recently had a newly built medical ward, but this is virtually empty in terms of beds, mattresses and medical logistic. The Morso clinic is in a deplorable state and needs to be renovated.

The report said the above constraints were hindering progress of better quality health care in the district, and called on the assembly to make efforts to improve the situation for the successful implementation of the Health Insurance Scheme, and ultimately improve the health status of the population. The report recommended the provision of two motobikes for Banka and Bompata clinics, equip the Obogu clinic with beds, mattresses and medical logistics, as well as electricity and pipe borne water (which are in the town).

The report further recommended that there is the need to provide water to the Ofoase clinic, renovate the Morso clinic, increase sponsorship allowance to nursing trainees, and provide rural incentive allowance to health staff in the most deprived communities of the district such as Banka, Komeso and Ofoase. 05 Feb. 05

Source: GNA