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Stop borrowing and get to work - Dr. Boadi Nyamekye

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Thu, 11 Jan 2018 Source:

Senior Pastor of The Maker's House Chapel International, Rev Dr. Michael Boadi Nyamekye has entreated Christians to get busy with work in 2018 as prayer alone cannot assure them of success.

Whilst addressing his congregation on Sunday, 7th January, Rev Nyamekye cautioned Christians to stop borrowing and get to work as borrowing violates the divine code of God.

“Why are Christians continually borrowing, because the fundamentals, the basic principle of our Christian existence we’ve relegated them, we’re not following them anymore… we fail to realise that the dignity of your humanity is what you do for yourself,” he said.

He charged Christians to focus on meeting their KPIs at work instead of always praying adding that Africa is still impoverished because people spend most of their time praying and go around borrowing after that.

“We have more churches than any other continent and, yet we are in the continent of darkness and poverty is everywhere. This is the place where people pray a lot… and yet people are poor. After praying they still come and ask can I get money for transport”.

Dr Boadi Nyamekye urged Christians to draw lessons from God who worked to create the world and all that is in it.
