
Stop politics of insults - WiLDAF-Ghana

Mahama Nana New President John Mahama and Nana Akufo-Addo

Wed, 28 Sep 2016 Source:

Ghanaian politicians must desist from engaging in politics of insults going into the December 7 elections, the Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF-Ghana) has counseled.

According to the group, resorting to “abusive and misogynistic statements” is inimical to the peace and development of the country.

“WiLDAF Ghana is increasingly getting disappointed at the daily insults and statements that are directed at women to discredit their ability to hold very high offices.

“We are once again appealing to all Ghanaians to be circumspect in their utterances towards females in political and other decision making positions. The politics of insults is one of the main obstacles to women’s effective participation and representation in politics and other decision making positions,” a statement signed by Abigail Edem Hunu, Communications and Advocacy Officer of WiLDAF-Ghana said.

Below is the full statement:


Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF-Ghana), is reiterating its call on Ghanaians to desist from using abusive and misogynistic statements on female politicians and public figures!

We are appalled by a story carried by Citifmonline on Monday 26th September, 2016 with the Headline, “Don’t vote for women just to empower them- NDC Chairman.”

It is unfortunate that men like Bismark Tawiah Boateng and Honourable Baba Jamal are purported to have made such statements in that story. It is important for Honourable Baba Jamal and Bismark Tawiah Boateng to note that women are qualified just as their male counterparts to hold public offices including being Members of Parliament. For the records, there is no piece of legislation in Ghana preventing Hairdressers from being Members of Parliament neither is the ability to cook a criteria for being a Member of Parliament. Enough of the insults, enough of the backward, derogatory comments towards women.

WiLDAF Ghana is increasingly getting disappointed at the daily insults and statements that are directed at women to discredit their ability to hold very high offices.

We are once again appealing to all Ghanaians to be circumspect in their utterances towards females in political and other decision making positions. The politics of insults is one of the main obstacles to women’s effective participation and representation in politics and other decision making positions.

Let us debate on issues and policies and encourage the few women who are contesting with progressive statements and comments.

Thank you


Abigail Edem Hunu

Communications and Advocacy Officer

