
Story of African slaves who fought White masters in slave ship and returned to Africa told

AFRICA SLAVE SHIP A group of 96 slaves was being sent to the British Province where they would have been sold

Thu, 16 Jan 2020 Source:

In 1730, a contingent of Black slaves who had been captured from different countries in Africa and put together in Little George Ship to be sent to Rhode Island in the USA fought the slave masters and moved the ship back to Africa.

A news report by indicates that the ruthless ploy occurred on June 6, 1730, exactly five days after the slave ship set off from the Coast of Guinea heading to the then British Province in America.

The entire group of 96 slaves was being sent to the British Province where they would have been displayed and sold to plantation owners.

In the ship, the Black slaves were in shackles and packed together in a chamber where there was little ventilation and illumination. As the ship was moving, the brave group of slaves managed to break some of the heavy chains and planned how they would attack the ruthless masters. At about 4 am on June 6, a good number of the slaves broke through the bulkhead of the ship and got to the deck killing the watchmen who attempted to alert the other sailors and the captain.

Captain George Scott and other crew members were captured and locked up in a cabin with several slaves watching the Cabin door. Simultaneously, other slaves made a bomb out of gunpowder in a bottle that went off almost destroying the ship and causing other resisting Whites on the ship to surrender to the captured Africans.

Without any trained skills, supervision or proper navigation, the captured Africans managed to turn the ship around and sailed back to Africa. After a few days, the ship successfully reached the Sierra Leone River which was an estuary to the Atlantic Ocean.

Reports indicate that Captain George Scott who survived the revolt always spoke about the incident and later wrote about it before his passing.

Many slave revolts of this kind reportedly happened and left a mark in the history of slavery. Also, at the time, they sent a message to the slave-trading patronizers that the Africans were fed up with the way they were being treated.

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In 1730, Black slaves fought white masters in Little George Ship and returned to Africa

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