Students have always had to leave with the pain of unfair and nepotic treatment going on in the department of architecture. This is an open Secret. They know themselves and should be ashamed of themselves. I want The professors of knust to come out and tell the whole world that random Sampling could be used to prevent some students from writing an examination. Who has the authority to prevent someone from writing an examination in KNUST? I believe this case should be given a fair attention with neutral stance as professors will never support students if a case Between a student and a professor occurs. This is what is killing the African continent as leaders are not ready to listern to their people and This has resulted in a lot of unrest in the continent of Africa. The Unfortunate students just want a neutral person to hear their case. Lets Us not wait for an aggrieved person to go the kamikaze style (shoot to kill and kill yourself) to serve as an example to lectures who exhibite this kind of unfair and nepotic behavours. I believe that when avenues of seeking redress are seen to have a prejudiced mind, an unorthodox tactics be used to set precedence not only to the people of the university but to all leaders to know that you cannot play with the lives of people.
Students know a lot of negatives activities going on in the department but Will be victimised if they come out this problem is not restricted to the department of architecture along but in all departments in the school. The unfortunate victims are not asking the authorities to tamper.the standardsand rules of the department but fairness to all.
I humbly ask the vice-chancellor of KNUST to give these students a Hearing, as they believe those in positions to hear them have a prejudiced Mind and will not listern to the students. This is even rooted in the Ghanaian culture as the elder is always right leading to the oppressed Using other unorthodox tactics to only have his case heard of. The University is supposed to train leaders and not tricksters who use unfair Means to sneak through the system. Lets swallow our pride and deal fairly with these students. Before god and man, mr amoateng-mensah does not have The moral right to prevent students from writing an examination as he as the year master never sat at juries to jury students works and offer advice.
Mr. Eddie botchway the sudio master knows very well that before God and man, he has failed but as we know about our leaders, they will never swallow their pride and will used all means to justify their mistakes. That?s normal with we Africans. How can 25% of a class of 108 fail an exam? Let?s assess the lecturers? performances as well.
Its obvious that anyone who hears that attendance has been used to prevent some students from writing an examination will side with the lectures, but i strongly believe that the students side of the story be heard before conclusion is made. A lot of untold stories exists. People are aggrieved and feel victimsed.
Lectures always think that they can do what ever pleases them. Playing With peoples lives could result in catastrophic consequences. If i were Among the victims the only thing i will do based on the current Developments of to purchase a semiautomatic pistol, do justice to all Involved and kill myself. This will serve a bitter lesson to us all. This Will bring sanity to the department. You cannot jokes with peoples live In these times of severe hardship
I will again ask the authorities and the media to take up this issue for The students to just have a fair hearing. People should know the clandestine activities going on in the department. I doubt if 50% of the class will return for the pg knowing the favouratism and nepotic behaviours of our leaders. I also ask CHRAJ and lawyers interested to offer legal counselling to these unfortunate students this letter can be taken as a joke but when crazy one starts his show we meet in hell.
I don?t mind if the BNI takes this up but a lesson is on the way. The spill Of blood has been used to solve a lot of problems in this world of our. Let?s continue
Lord cheeseman