
Supreme Court summons Sir John and Hopeson Adoye

Afriyie Sir John

Fri, 9 Aug 2013 Source: radioxyzonline

XYZ News can confirm that the Supreme Court has summoned two leading members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for making contemptuous statements.

NPP General Secretary Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, popularly known as "Sir John", and Hopeson Adorye, a member of the youth wing of the opposition party, Young Patriots, are expected to appear in court on August 14 to prove why they should not be committed to court for scandalizing the court.

Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie is reported to have described the President of the nine-member-panel of the Supreme Court, Justice William Atuguba, describing him as bias and treating the lead Counsel of the NDC, Tsatsu Tsikata, with kid gloves.

He is also reported to have incited hatred and ill motive on the first and third respondents in the ongoing election petition case.

In the summons, the Supreme Court stated that Sir John must defend himself for

  • Scandalising the court
  • ,
  • Lowering the authority and credibility of this court in the eyes of the general public
  • , and
  • Exciting hatred and ill-will towards the 1st and 2nd respondents herein.

Hopeson Adoye, a member of the NPP, is also reported to have stated on record that the NPP will embark on a "head cutting" spree if the Supreme Court declares John Mahama winner in the ongoing election petition trial.

The court stated that "It having come to the notice of this court as per a publication in the "VOL. 3 ISSUE #991 Monday 8th July, 2013" of the News paper known as "Daily Post" that you HOPESON ADORYE as per a banner on the front page thereof titled "WE SHALL CUT THE HEADS OF NDC SUPPORTERS IF... SUPREME COURT DECLARES PREZ MAHAMA WINNER" and continuing with elaboration at page 4 thereof, did say in an interview with Time FM, Obuasi on the 26th day of June 2013 that "the NPP will ... go on a head cutting spree, cutting off the heads of NDC supporters, should the Supreme Court declare President Mahama the winner", ...

That "the NPP will not accept the verdict of the Supreme Court if Akufo-Addo is not declared winner since others in the NDC have also said there will be civil war if the Supreme Court rules in favour of Akufo-Addo", ...

That "the claim by fellow NPP activist, Samuel Awuku, that the Supreme Court judges were bias and are hypocrites was an appropriate comment for which Awuku should not have apologized".

YOU, HOPESON ADORYE, ARE HEREBY ORDERED to appear before this court on the 14th day of August at 10 O'clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as you can be heard, to show cause why you should not be committed to prison for contempt of court, for thereby:

  • Scandalising the court

  • Defying and lowering the authority of this court
  • and
  • Exciting prejudice and ill will towards the 1s' and 3rd respondents herein.

Source: radioxyzonline
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