
Sympathizing with NDC and the family of the departed soul

Mark Ewusi Arkoh Is The National Youth Organiser Of PNC.jpeg Mark Ewusi Arkoh is the National Youth Organiser of PNC

Mon, 5 Oct 2020 Source: PNC

We the PNC sympathise with the family of our late brother and the bigger family of the NDC..we wish to express our deepest condolence to the family. May GOD comfort the Family for this loss.

Caution drivers on reckless driving:

In as much as we sympathize with the bereaved family, we would also want to use this medium to caution the drivers on reckless and irresponsible driving on our roads. Drivers play key role in road accident prevention and needs to adhere to all road users regulations to reduce road accidents in the country. We all must be responsible citizens in that regard.

Advise the government on making good roads:

Another emphasis would be on the nature of our roads. Most of accident caused on this particular road is as a result of having single roads in the country.The government must take the initiative of dualizing the major highway's on which major accidents occur... Accra -Kumasi is a major example.

Thanks to Ghana Ambulance service:

We want to extend our greatest appreciation to the Ghana ambulance service for their good job done in the midst of this unfortunate incidence...mother Ghana appreciates your efforts.


Mark Ewusi Arkoh

National Youth Organiser



Source: PNC