
THE SUN: JJ In Intensive Care After Heart Surgery

Mon, 9 Jun 2008 Source: THE SUN

29 years after Ghana’s bloodiest coup d’etats the architect of the insurrection ex-president JJ Rawlings was behind his desk writing yet another SPEECH for the anniversary celebration, when suddenly, a chronic heart condition seized him drawing bouts of sweat and severe palpitation, until a quick dash had to be made to the Cardiothoracic Centre at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

Indeed just abut 10 days ago heart surgeons at the heart of the nation’s medical team issued a medical SAVE OUR SOULS, which evidently paved the way for his being air-lifted to a Johannesburg-South Africa hospital, reputed to possess a state-of-the-art heart equipment.

Accordingly, a medical team from Accra was readied in place to accompany the incapacitated ex-President to Johannesburg, who served as the first point of contact with the South Africa medical team. THE SUN learnt that his wife Nana Konadu Agyeman also made the trip.

Inquisitive tongues lying in political jaws have told THE SUN how the ex-president’s pores opened with sweat pouring freely, as the man, once-upon-a-time referred to as JUNIOR JESUS, sat in a rest chair while struggling to showcase a skeletal rendition of his cowboyish antics and gestures back in the day.

“At one stage, nurses around-the-clock were told in military-style shouts ATTENTION, and EYES RIGHT when he thought he was playing the parade commander,” an eye-witness okro-mouthed to THE SUN.

But close skin-on-skull aides to the ex-president at his Ridge residence claim that his heart condition has been a recurring thing for a long while now, until there was a sudden bout of attack which kicked the heart organ against the chest repeatedly, while the patient falls into all forms of tantrums.

The Ridge sources then told of how Mr. Rawlings was rushed from his Ridge home to the Cardio Centre on Saturday May 24, where a team of trusted medical doctors worked on him for hours.

But with death approaching and dear life appearing to distance itself, the doctors recommended that he be flown to South Africa on an emergency immediately and effectively.

Once in South Africa, the aide revealed to THE SUN that Rawlings’ condition improved. But in a swift turn around of misfortune, the condition worsened compelling the South African doctors to perform ABRASION; a complicated heart surgery of the highest order as a last resort in saving the critical condition, to arrest the situation.

Since then no word has been heard from the South African end and even skin-on-skull NDC faithful have been starved of news from afar.

According to medical experts, 97 per cent of sufferers of this condition develop it as a result of long use of hard drugs and weighing stress, from a mass of activities. However THE SUN cannot say for sure what must have led to the sudden attack in the ex-president’s case.

29 years ago in 1979, J.J. Rawlings then a skeletal army officer was released from guard room by soldiers to begin altogether a 19-year rule that also carried him into the era of democracy in 1992.

Some of the salient happenings of Rawlings’ reign were that women were paraded naked and whipped in public, while a host of Ghanaians escaped to Europe and America for fear of their lives, as hard-earned property was seized at will.

Source: THE SUN