The union is responsible for protecting conditions of workers under its umbrella
The Socialist Forum Ghana (SFG) on Tuesday appealed to the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to safeguard condition of workers and adhere to high labour standards by respecting and preserving the worker in defence of the country’s sovereignty.
“We call upon the Ghana TUC to stand up and be counted, they should ensure that the conditions of the working people are not only safeguarded in terms of better working conditions.
“But also adherence by employees to high standards, respect for the worker, judicious exploitation of our resource for the benefit of Ghanaians, the preservation of our environment and also the defence of our sovereignty,” SFG stated in a statement to mark 2018 Labour day.”
The statement signed by Mr Yaw Appiah-Kubi, the Convenor, the SFG called for an end to all wars by the owners of capital for world domination which was detrimental to all workers over the world and applauded Ghanaian men and women who despite all adversities of low wages, poor working conditions and poor treatment continued to play their unique roles to give comfort to people.
“We salute the men and women who labour to ensure that the wheel of progress of humankind grinds on,” the statement said.
The SFG however lamented over the conditions of labour that kept deteriorating “as international and local capital conspire through neo-liberal economic policies to reap super profits and drive down wages.
“They are increasingly destroying hard won gains of workers by making laws which are detrimental to the working people such as employees being given carte blanche to sack employees without any reason or explanation.”
Additionally, the SFG noted that even Public Service, pregnant women who were social guarantors of the continuation and survival of society were being sacked or laid off from work when fulfilling their social task.