
Tarzan keeps talking – Chronicle

Tue, 24 Jun 2003 Source:  

Dr Charles Wereko-Brobby, the “step aside” Chief Executive Officer of the Volta River Authority (VRA) on Monday told JOY FM, a private radio station in Accra that he did not know anything about the VRA contract awarded to Christie’s Sewing Industry to supply hospital ambulance.

The document available to Chronicle indicates that the company, which specialises in making clothes, is already encountering problems and has asked for a revised delivery date to supply the custom made ambulance from Daimler Benz, Germany.

The request was placed to Materials Management Department. Which specialises in procurement, headed by Ms Harriet Wilson, a position reserved for senior directors of long experience.

The ambulance is expected on 15 July this year. On JOY FM, Dr Wereko-Brobby said the onus is on proof to show that his mother is the one who won the order. Chronicle is investigating reports that the contract was pre-financed.

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