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Task Force Clamps Down On Illegal Timber Dealers

Wed, 16 Oct 2002 Source: .

Joint Police-Military Environmental Task Forces operating in various parts of the country continue to clamp down on the activities of illegal timber operators.

In the Central Region, a task force operating within the Cape Coast area recently intercepted a Benz truck loaded with 406 pieces of illegally sawn redwood. The truck with registration number GR 8322 B was handled over to the Regional Forestry Department. At Twifo Praso, also in the Central Region, another task force recently intercepted a vehicle loaded with 79 pieces of lumber. The culprits together with the lumber were also handed over to the Regional Forestry Department.

In the Ashanti Region, a task force recently intercepted three Kia vehicles loaded with illegally sawn timber beams at Aboabogya near Kumasi. The vehicles with registration numbers AS 5971 N, AS 5632 A and AS 1356 N were handed over to the Regional Forestry Depot at Kumasi.

Eager to ensure that the country's laws are respected, the team within one week intercepted a total of 17 trucks loaded with pieces of illegally sawn timber and beams in different parts of the country.

The vehicles together with the timber pieces have been handed over to the police in the areas where the arrest were made.

The joint police-military anti armed robbery task forces have also continued to prosecute the war with remarkable success.

At Tarkwa, in the Western Region, one joint task force has arrested three suspected armed robbers. The suspects all men but dressed as women claimed they were members of the Brono Akyem Neighbourhood Watchdog Committee. A search on them however, revealed that they carried fake ID cards. They were also armed with cutlasses. They were subsequently handed over to the Tarkwa Police for further investigations.

In another development, the patrol team foiled a highway robbery attempt on the Takoradi-Elubo road.

The robbers fled when the team appeared. Fortunately, they left behind a Hyundai bus they had snatched from its owner. The vehicle has been handed over to the Agona Nkwanta Police.

At Achimota, a suburb of Accra, the team arrested Mr. Issac Aponi for breaking into a kiosk. When a search was conducted on the suspect, a pair of ladies shoes, screwdriver, pliers and a spanner were seen. The suspect and the items have been handed over to the Tesano Police.

At Agbogbloshie, the patrol team pursued a taxicab suspected to be driven by armed robbers.

The four occupants of the taxicab abandoned it and fled.

The cab was subsequently handed over to the James Town Police.

Source: .