
Teacher assaults 9-year-old pupil who criticized taste of her 'sobolo' drink

Pupil Beaten Sld.png Some marks left by the cane

Mon, 17 Feb 2020 Source:

A pupil (name withheld), with the Nkwanata South M/A Basic of the Oti Region was subjected to severe beatings by her teacher, her only crime; she complained about the taste of her teacher’s ‘sobolo’ drink.

According to a report by Accra-based Adom News, the 9-year-old pupil sustained multiple injuries after the incident which happened Friday, February 14, 2020.

Madam Magdalene, the teacher in question, meted out the action after she complained to a friend in the school that the sobolo drink sold by the class teacher was not sweet.

The friend who had earlier threatened her after the conversation proceeded to report her to the teacher, after which she was called and made to kneel down.

She was subsequently caned severally by Madam Magdalene, who wouldn’t even be perturbed by the intervention of her colleague; a Primary 2 class teacher who chanced on the assault.

The victim told the reporter that the teacher had, prior to the act informed the class that she wanted to leave a mark on her (the pupil’s) body, one she would take home to show for her lack of discipline. She (the teacher) according to the pupil, also said unsavoury things about her mother.

Isha Razak, mother of the 9-year-old expressed pain over the incident, and many others preceding that one.

She said she didn’t understand how that her daughter was being victimised by the particular teacher every time, even for petty mistakes in class.

Isha who wants school authorities to take up the issue and discipline the teacher revealed that her daughter had returned home on 3 other occasions with similar cane marks, adding that the insults she hurled at her in front of her daughter is not something she will take lightly.

On his part, Jonathan Korsinah, the Nkwanata South Education Director, noted that the directorate has already set up a committee to investigate the case.

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