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Teacher fined for stealing lady’s panties

Teacher 700x406 File photo

Sat, 8 Apr 2017 Source:

The chief and elders of the Japekrom Traditional Council in the Jaman South District of the Brong-Ahafo Region have fined a 28-year-old teacher, only named as Teacher Henneh GH¢1,000 for stealing ladies’ panties.

Teacher Henneh is also to compensate the lady whose panties were stolen with bottles of Schnapps and sheep.

Teacher did not talk or answer any question posed to him at the Traditional Council during the trial yesterday.

Narrating the incident to DAILY GUIDE, a source at Bebianiha, where the incident happened, said Henneh, a teacher at Basakrom District Assembly Primary School, did not go to teach on the day of the incident but broke into the room of a neighbour to steal her panties.

The owner of the panties, Abena Pekaa, said she went to farm with her husband and returned to see teacher holding a black polythene bag in front of their door.

When the bag was searched, the woman’s panties were found in it. He was arrested and sent to the chief’s palace.

The chiefs and elders duly found him guilty and fined him.

Acting president of the council, Nana Atru Amoah Konkutia, pronouncing judgement, said Henneh would be held responsible if anything untoward happened to the woman within the next five years.

He said the chief and elders couldn’t understand why the teacher stole the old panties of Abena.

The teacher held onto the panties in the polythene bag as the trial went on. However, the elders did not allow the panties to be exposed to the public, and people were warned not to take pictures of them with their cell phones, else curses would be invoked on them.

His family members, who accepted the verdict, said they would pay the fine.
